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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《无间有爱》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《无间有爱》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


冯毅和刘一魁都流落街头、相依为命的小乞丐,后来他们被“爱国会”的重要领导于先生收留,进行分别的训练,从此兄弟两个分开了。 十二年后,贪婪的袁世凯任第二届临时大总统,他授意军阀齐允天,密谋割地卖国。齐大帅和英国特使的秘密签约被“爱国会”成员刘一魁破坏。稽查队小队员冯毅意外救了齐大帅一命。刘一魁逃脱了,女扒手花儿被误当作了革命党,逮捕她的人竟然是曾经施舍过她的冯毅!目睹了花儿被捕的刘一魁,误以为花儿是革命同志,在救人的过程中,身陷危机,躲进了彭三剧团的大宅子,被剧团里打杂的小雪相助,躲过一劫。从此小雪对这个身怀大义的英雄充满了崇敬之情。冯毅为了再次建功,以花儿为饵,设下圈套引诱爱国会!不料却反被刘一魁将了一军,单枪匹马突破众围,救走了花儿!而剧团也由于小雪对刘一魁的掩护,走上了离乡背井的坎坷道路,去上海谋求出路。想重用冯毅的齐允天,使出绝招测试冯毅,要他去杀于先生。于先生慷慨赴义,冯毅却不能为自己的义父流泪和报仇,作为“卧底”,他担起了杀害义父的罪名,高升为上海缉察队的副队长,同时也成为齐允天的心腹。在刘一魁的眼中,素昧平生的小雪是个讲义气的朋友,可年纪轻轻的花儿,为了组织出生入死,甚至被送上刑场,却始终不居功,这样的“女英雄”令他又敬又怜。但眼下花儿重病昏迷,刘一魁为了赶赴与于先生上山接冯毅的约定,他只好将花儿托给自己唯一信任的朋友小雪。不料,花儿被小雪的哥哥丁虎发现,丁虎认出花儿就是曾在茶馆闹事的革命份子,为了避免麻烦再次上门,狠心趁小雪不备把花儿卖给了人口贩子。上山的刘一魁,得知“于先生死于冯毅之手!”,万分悲痛……上海,齐允天对冯毅仍放心不下,为了监视冯毅,刻意搓合他与上海名妓乔小芝。冯毅心里明白齐允天的用意,因此和乔小芝展开虚情假意的往来。同时,刘一魁也接受了组织的指派,来到上海,投奔掩护组织行动的老门车行。花儿被卖到威廉先生上海的府内做婢女,再一次阴差阳错被冯毅救下。冰雪聪明的乔小芝隐隐觉得花儿跟冯毅之间有些暧昧情愫,于是把花儿送往上海当地的大戏班“花月”歌舞团,这个时候,彭三剧团也来投奔,花儿跟小雪就在剧团里重逢了!两人朝夕相处,相依为命。花儿总是向小雪倾吐自己对冯毅的爱慕之情,小雪却不以为然。而她们跟刘一魁的关系更是错综复杂:小雪暗暗喜欢上了刘一魁,刘一魁却一心仰慕花儿!得知密约即将重新签订的消息,各方人马又行动起来,这次“爱国会”的破坏行动失败了,齐允天声东击西和威廉离开舞会现场,秘密签下割让条约!冯毅为了追缉开枪人,竟然与生死之交刘一魁在暗巷里重逢!冯毅亲口“承认”是自己杀了于先生,刘一魁发誓为义父报仇,二人拔剑相向,冯毅刻意让步,陷入危机,关键时候,花儿出现救走了冯毅。爱国会为了拿到“密约”,让花儿假扮齐允天失散多年的女儿进入大帅府;而花儿为了得到冯毅的爱情应允,做了齐大帅的掌上明珠。齐允天担心大总统误会他拉拢日方,婉拒了一直觊觎花儿的日本人——江口和也的提亲,反而决定让冯毅与花儿定亲,借旅游之名,让二人亲送密约给袁大总统。冯毅与花儿的亲事,得罪了另外一个人——乔小芝,已然爱上冯毅的乔小芝打定决心,向自己多年的倾慕者——“花月”的当家男旦孔艳艳求助,展开报复齐大帅的自私自利!此时,花儿又意外发现了一个令人震撼的事实──“小雪”才是齐大帅的亲生女儿!冯毅与花儿的出行路上,危机四伏……螳螂捕蝉黄却在后,所有人马只有一个目标──抢夺冯毅手中那藏着巨大权利的“木盒子”!木盒最终落入齐允天的对手——曹大帅手中,曹大帅兴高采烈的带着收获回到家中,才发现中计,木盒里的密约早已被冯毅掉包,曹大帅费尽心机得到的,只是一张白纸!真正的木盒被孔艳艳帅剧团扮演的送丧队伍拿走了。密约丢失,冯毅被各方缉拿。在他追查密约下落的途中遇到刘一魁,为了阻止救刘一魁去曹营,冯毅打伤了他的腿。二人又遭到曹军包围,受了重伤,刘一魁逃走,冯毅被授业师父阿飒救下。另一头,流落异乡又遭遇抢劫的花儿,在落魄无助之际遇到小雪,两个天真的傻丫头,几经商议,终于下订决心为了爱人齐赴浙江,展开“救爱”行动!刘一魁潜入曹营被捕,小雪得知后,不想拖累花儿,决定只身入虎穴与曹大帅交涉,佯称手中握有密约,以刘一魁作为交换条件。小雪靠着爱情的力量救出了刘一魁,孰料,却又双双落入曹军大牢。同时,花儿却巧遇江口和也,和也对花儿并未死心,向她允诺帮忙查找冯毅的下落,把花儿哄回上海。回家后花儿才发现齐家已惨遭抄家命运——曹大帅以假密约为名狠狠打击了自己的对手,花儿一肩扛起齐家的落魄,回到花月歌舞团门下,靠着在悦来茶馆卖唱养活一家人。“叛徒”冯毅阿飒折磨个半死,为了赶去救刘一魁,冯毅才说出自己是卧底的身份!而曹军大牢里,死亡就在眼前,小雪这才不顾一切的对刘一魁说出了心中的感情,刘一魁大受感动,冯毅赶来了,和刘一魁并肩作战逃出敌阵!孔艳艳一心认为,他手上的密约,不但可以让乔小芝从袁世凯的手中解脱,更可以促成他带着乔小芝远走高飞的梦想。孔艳艳带回的木盒在剧团中间引起了猜疑,大家都以为抢回的是藏宝图。又引发了更多的欲望与贪婪!悦来茶馆的演出中,刘一魁、冯毅、曹军、稽查队等各方势力都追了过来,混乱中,“藏宝图”最终落到失意戏子碧玲珑的手上,身受重伤的碧玲珑临死前才弄清楚,所谓的“藏宝图”只是一份卖国密约!在乱枪中,她把密约给了女英雄──花儿!这时,齐大帅被曹大帅夹持了。花儿为了让小雪和她的亲生父亲相见,提出只要大家合力杀了曹大帅,密约就是爱国会的!刘一魁也终于知道了冯毅的身份,最后的战斗中,众人并肩战斗,付出了血的代价之后,卖国密约终于到了爱国会手里。



Feng Yi and Liu Yikui both lived on the streets and dependent ones. Later, they were collected and trained separately by Mr. Yu, the important leader of the \"Patriotic Congress\", and two brothers had separated. Twelve years later, the greedy Yuan Shikai was the second temporary president. The secret signing of Qi Shuai and the British Special Environment was destroyed by Liu Yikui, a member of the \"Patriotic Congress\". Feng Yi, a member of the audit team, unexpectedly rescued Qi Shuai. Liu Yikui escaped, and the women's pickpocket flowers were mistaken for the revolutionary party. The person who arrested her turned out to be Feng Yi who once gave her! After witnessing the arrest of Huaer, Liu Yikui mistakenly thought that Huaer was a revolutionary comrade. In the process of saving people, he was in crisis and hid in the large mansion of the Peng San Opera Troupe. Essence Since then, Xiaoxue has been full of respect for this heroic hero. In order to build her merits again, Feng Yi set up a circle to seduce the love of the country! Unexpectedly, Liu Yikui was involved in a army, and he broke through the crowd and saved the flowers! Due to Xiaoxue's cover of Liu Yikui, the troupe has embarked on the bumpy road to the back of the country and went to Shanghai to seek a way out. Want to reuse Feng Yi's Qi Yuntian, use the trick to test Feng Yi, and ask him to kill him. Mr. Yu generously went to righteousness, but Feng Yi could not cry and revenge for his righteous father. As a \"undercover\", he took charge of the charges of killing the righteous father, and he was promoted to the deputy captain of the Shanghai anti -inspection team. Essence In Liu Yikui's eyes, Xiaoxue, who was born, was a friend -speaking friend, but the young flowers were young, but they were sent to the execution ground in order to organize birth and death. However, such a \"female hero\" made him respect and pity. But nowadays, the flowers are seriously ill. In order to rush to the mountain with Mr. Yu to pick up Feng Yi, Liu Yikui had to entrust Huaer to his only friend Xiaoxue. Unexpectedly, Huaer was discovered by Xiaoxue's brother Dinghu. Ding Hu recognized that Huaer was a revolutionary member who had trouble in the teahouse. In order to avoid trouble, he sold the flower to the population by Xiaoxue. Liu Yikui, who went up the mountain, learned that \"Mr. Yu died in Feng Yizhi's hand!\", Very sad ... Shanghai, Qi Yuntian still couldn't rest assured that Feng Yi was at ease. In order to monitor Feng Yi, he deliberately rubbed him with Shanghai prostitute Qiao Xiaozhi. Feng Yi understood Qi Yuntian's intention, so he and Qiao Xiaozhi launched a false relationship. At the same time, Liu Yikui also accepted the organization of the organization and came to Shanghai to go to the old car dealers of the cover organization. Huaer was sold to Mr. William's Shanghai Mansion as a niece, and was rescued by Feng Yi again. Bingxue's smart Qiao Xiaozhi faintly felt that there was some ambiguous feelings between Huaer and Feng Yi, so he sent the flower to the local drama class \"Huayue\" song and dance group in Shanghai. Reunion in the troupe! The two got along with each other and depended on each other. Huaer always pouted her love for Feng Yi, but Xiaoxue didn't take it for granted. And their relationship with Liu Yikui is even more complicated: Xiaoxue secretly fell in love with Liu Yikui, but Liu Yikui admired Huaer! Knowing the news that the secret treaty is about to be signed again, the people and horses are acting again.Tian Sheng Dong hit and William left the ball scene and secretly signed the treaty! In order to chase the shot, Feng Yi actually met with Liu Yikui in the dark alley! Feng Yi personally \"acknowledged\" himself killed Mr. Yu. Liu Yikui vowed to avenge his father. The two pulled their swords to each other. Feng Yi deliberately made a concession and fell into a crisis. At a critical time, the flower appeared to save Feng Yi. In order to get the \"secret\", the Patriotic Association asked Huaer to pretend that Qi Yuntian had lost his daughter for many years to enter the handsome house; and Huaer made the handsome pearl of Qi Shuai in order to get Feng Yi's love agreed. Qi Yuntian was worried that President Big President misunderstood him to win the Japanese side, and declined the Japanese who had been having Hua'er, Jiangkou Kazuki, and decided to let Feng Yi and Huaer set a relative and borrow the name of tourism. President. Feng Yi and Hua'er's affinity offending another person -Qiao Xiaozhi, who has already fell in love with Feng Yi, has determined to make a determination to help him for many years, \"Huayue\", the male Dan Yan Yan for help, and launched revenge to Qi The handsome selfishness! At this time, Huaer unexpectedly discovered a shocking fact- \"Xiao Xue\" was the biological daughter of Qi Shuai! On the way of Feng Yi and Hua'er, the crisis was in the risks ... The praying mantis caught the cicada yellow, but everyone had only one goal -to snatch the \"wooden box\" hidden in Feng Yi's hands! The wooden box finally fell into Qi Yuntian's opponent, Cao Dashuai, and Cao Da Shuai returned home with his harvest. Only then did he discover that the plan was that the dens in the wooden box had been dropped by Feng Yi. Paper! The real wooden box was taken away by the funeral team played by Kong Yanyan's handsome theater troupe. The secret was lost, and Feng Yi was arrested by all parties. On the way he traced the whereabouts of the secret, he met Liu Yikui. In order to prevent Liu Yikui from going to Cao Ying, Feng Yi injured his leg. The two were surrounded by Cao Jun again, and they were seriously injured. Liu Yikui fled. On the other side, the flowers who encountered robbery in a foreign country encountered Xiaoxue when they were helpless. Two naive silly girls, after several discussions, finally made up their minds to go to Zhejiang for their lover to launch a \"saving love\" operation! Liu Yikui sneaked into Cao Ying and was arrested. After Xiaoxue learned of it, he didn't want to drag the flowers. He decided to enter the tiger's hole and negotiated with Cao Da Shuai. Xiaoxue rescued Liu Yikui by the power of love, but she had both fell into Cao Jun. At the same time, Huaer happened to meet Jiangkouhe, and he did not die for Huaer. She promised her to help find Feng Yi's whereabouts and coax Huaer back to Shanghai. After returning home, Huaer found out that the Qi family had been copied his fate -Cao Da Shuai hit his opponent in the name of false secrets. Selling the family in Yuelai Tea House. \"The traitor\" Feng Yiya tortured half of his death. In order to rescue Liu Yikui, Feng Yi said that he was an undercover identity! In Cao Jun's prison, the death was in front of him. Xiaoxue said the feelings in his heart desperately desperately. Liu Yikui was moved. Feng Yi came and fought alongside Liu Yikui to escape the enemy! Kong Yanyan believes that the secret of his hand can not only let Qiao Xiaozhi from Yuan Shikai’sLiberation in his hand can also promote his dream of taking Qiao Xiaozhi to go high.The wooden box brought back by Kong Yanyan caused suspicion in the middle of the troupe. Everyone thought that it was Tibetan treasure map.It has triggered more desire and greed!During the performance of Yuelai Tea House, Liu Yikui, Feng Yi, Cao Jun, and the inspecting team all chased them. In the chaos, the \"treasure map\" finally fell into the frustrated drama Bi Linglong's hand, and the seriously injured Bi LinglonglinlinOnly before death, the so -called \"treasure map\" was just a secret of the traitor!In the random gun, she gave the secret to the heroine -Huaer!At this time, Marshal Qi was held by Cao Shuai.In order to let Xiaoxue meet with her biological father, Huaer proposed that as long as everyone killed Cao Shuai, the secret is the patriotic society!Liu Yikui finally knew Feng Yi's identity. In the final battle, everyone fought side by side and paid the cost of blood.







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