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武林相传,有两种至高无上,超凡入圣而又空前绝后的武功----如来神掌及天残脚。这两套武功,既相生又相克,各有千秋,传说是分别由三百年前的两位旷世奇人所创。但后来两人却在一场惊天地泣鬼神的惨烈决斗之中同归于尽,致这两种神功才惊鸿一瞥,便成绝响,最后沦为几百年间武林中人代代流传的一段神话,无人能窥其堂奥。三百年后,早已被人遗忘的绝世神功‘如来神掌’又再重现江湖,江湖中人互相争夺,因为知道谁学会了如来神掌,谁便可以统率武林! 江湖事本与一个小镖局里的傻小子全牵不上关系,可是谁想到天意就是这样安排,令本来胸无大志,一心只想与师妹柳明鸾成亲的段飞成为当世武林救者!天意令段飞失去指腹为婚的小师妹明鸾,却结识了生死之交陆小瑜;与他纠缠半生的屠雪华、雪娟两姐妹;以及改写他一生的火云邪神! 段飞父亲和长龙镖局创办人柳中原本是世交,两家指腹为婚,段飞父亲临终托孤,中原虽不情愿但碍于人情不得不把段飞纳入家门。明鸾和段飞两小无猜,虽然父亲柳中原嫌段飞家道中落资质鲁钝,但明鸾却非势利女子,一直待段飞亲厚如故。活泼可人,从来不识愁滋味的明鸾根本不懂情爱为何物,只知接受命运,她认定段飞将会是她的丈夫,也期待着那一天的来临。段飞眼中的火云邪神,是身世可怜的疯癫老头,却不知他就是武林上人人得而诛了的大魔头。段飞出于怜悯,好心相救,引来江湖中人的震怒,顿使他成了江湖公敌,惨被逐出师门,师父更解除婚约。小瑜雪娟替段飞打抱不平,欲助段飞与柳明鸾摆脱一切,远走高飞,过程中明鸾如梦初醒,醒悟自己原来一直不过视段飞为长兄,两者之间根本并不存在丝毫男女之爱,段飞备受打击。失意的段飞与火云邪神重遇,相依为命,并建立出深厚的父子关系,这令他更不为世人所容,更甚的是,火云邪神身体里埋藏着一颗仇恨的心,他要取回一个公道,或许,也要还给人一个公道段飞被逼涉足江湖。多年前邪神以如来神掌威震武林,各大派对如来神掌趋之若鹜,虎视眈眈。双飞子派出女弟子孙碧云以美人计引诱古剑魂,意欲乘机偷取如来神掌秘笈,阴差阳错,年轻貌美的孙碧云与邪神牵上了斩不断,理还乱的感情瓜葛,且珠胎暗结,这是她始料不及的。孙碧云悔不当初,要报复,但她的报复对象,竟然落在大女儿雪华身上,因为雪华令她想起与邪神种种的不快。雪华自少便被碧云动辄严惩苛责,幸得幼妹雪娟从旁安慰帮忙,少年的日子才总算熬过来,后来碧云真的容不下她,决定派她去跟北岛长离毕凡学武,雪华亦满心欢喜,因为母女都可以脱离梦魇!雪华与段飞两颗孤寂的心,初识不久便发展出深厚的感情,段飞遭逢巨变后,并无丧志,反而奋发图强,以解江湖之困为己任,更是令雪华心动,加上二人的好友小瑜在中间煽风点火,炽烈的感情更是一触即发,然而,段飞是邪神的义子,而雪华终究还是碧云的女儿这段感情路本就难行,再加上一个雪娟,使二人顿陷痛苦之中。雪娟被碧云仇家毁容,连一直倾慕她的小瑜也不忍见其面目,雪娟万念俱灰下离家出走。飘泊无助,心情坏透的雪娟幸得段飞及时施以援手,百般呵护,阴差阳错下雪娟竟对段飞产生爱意,倾出感情,她虽知这是姐姐心爱的男人,但她决不退让,这是两姊妹第一次没有商量的余地,雪华有感雪娟自幼便是自己寒冷心灵的暖火,不能说是感恩图报,但要在亲情与爱情之间选择,她选择了亲情,黯然隐退。雪华虽然退出情场,但段飞仍锲而不舍苦苦纠缠,雪华大感苦恼的同时,饮誉江湖的一代神医欧峰向她声称可替雪娟回复昔日容貌,但要雪华答应他一个不情之请。雪华急欲成全雪娟幸福,也为了令段飞死心,不惜付出一切,宣布下嫁欧峰之子武林中崛起的青年才彦欧敬豪。欧敬豪是三绝宫掌门冯道外孙,自少被父亲刻意栽培,年纪轻轻便在江湖中建立了地位,实为不可多得之领袖才俊。才智出众志比天高的敬豪一直以消灭火云邪神为己任,当武林盟主是他一生目标,可惜亦因此成了火云邪神眼中刺,一直把他玩弄于股掌之上,几番折腾终被对方逼上绝路,想不到柳暗花明时来风送,竟被天下第一庄选为东床快婿。和天下第一庄联姻虽可令敬豪从谷底翻身,唯天意弄人,由他和烟霞山庄大小姐屠雪华订亲那刻开始,他的命途即从此改写!敬豪和烟霞山庄早有瓜葛,而且对雪娟情有独钟,可惜襄王有梦神女无心,到头来能共谐连理的并非意中人。不单如此,身为未婚妻子的雪华误会他是个有机心的功利小人,对他心存芥蒂冷若冰霜,教他意兴阑珊,然而迎娶雪华乃奉严父之命,而且关系他一生荣枯,他不得不收起心情,委曲求全接受雪华,却在拜堂一刻,按捺不住感情的段飞竟闯入喜堂抢亲,从来不亢不卑的敬豪在人前按下怒火,誓言不夺人所爱,当众和雪华解除婚约后飘然而去。段飞这一着无人能料,连他自己也感惊讶,他明白自己对雪华用情已深,雪娟伤心欲绝,雪华只得挥剑斩情丝,起誓宁愿一生孤寡,也不要与段飞再有关联,段飞无奈痛苦,雪娟从此更着力羁绊这男人,小瑜看着,痛在心里,悔不当初。而敬豪,在丢尽面子的同时,眼见自己倾慕的雪娟与段飞纠缠不清,一种无名的妒火在他心内燃起,连他自己也未察,这妒火将会席卷武林!敬豪邂逅当日和段飞解除婚约的柳明鸾,不知如何,敬豪竟对明鸾着了迷,不惜一切向她大力展开追求,誓要娶得美人归。明鸾终被敬豪情意打动,她很信命运,觉得这是一段天赐良缘,冥冥中安排了她和段飞解除婚约,又冥冥中安排她和敬豪遇上,她当然不知道,这一切一切,都是敬豪的刻意安排。敬豪终于和明鸾结成夫妇,明鸾以为夫妻二人将会永远幸福地过日子。邪神休养生息后,决重返武林,誓作霸主,将从前迫死自己妻儿的众人踩在脚下,要一个个自恃仁义之辈求生不得,求死不能!武林顿时风云变色,段飞抛却儿女之事,决要将义父挽回正轨。自古至今,感情总是教人丧失理智的最有效迷药,也是最有效的解药。邪神与碧云仇人见面,但却恩怨难分,实在是恨彻该杀的,在最后一刻反而出手相救,大家都迷迷糊糊的知道原因,但要承认对方在自己心里有一定的份量,又谈何容易,碧云的丈夫,烟霞山庄庄主屠进把一切看在眼里,但他不作声色,既然当年可以迎娶怀着他人骨肉的碧云,干甚么今天还要追究,屠进的体谅包容见证了他的爱,溶化了碧云的心,碧云终于放下这一生的包袱,修补与女儿的关系,另建自己的人生。而以仇恨为根,在江湖上兴风作浪的火云邪神,亦感疲累,希望可以停下来休息,毕竟,段飞的无私无欲,无恨无怨,早已打动了邪神狂傲不驯的心,然而,江湖上的争名逐利,不是要停就停得下来,虚名早已是他背后的一把刀,最后他亦被这把刀所灭。追寻真凶的责任自然落在段飞身上,但邪神留下如来神掌第九式来作为对他的支持。人们一直奇怪,传说如来神掌去到何处,天残脚亦会追逐而来,但事到如今,天残脚还是未见踪影,段飞亦以为可以杀邪神的便是天残,可惜得知原来真凶是三绝宫的掌门冯道!段飞初用第九式,立令风云变色,段飞自己亦被这‘万佛朝宗’吓得呆立当场。纵横江湖数十载的三绝掌冯道最后被打败,三绝掌虽然死不足惜,但段飞亦发觉如来神掌实在太残忍,开始厌恶这套万人争夺的绝世武功,但是天不从人愿,天残脚终于出现了,武林将会被染得一片血红,只有段飞可以阻止大屠杀,段飞惟有身不由主的再度站在最前线,当上了武林盟主。好友小瑜当然站在他一边,最后更以身犯险,深入虎穴以侦查以天瓿神功为祸武林的神秘人,但一去不返。天残脚终于现身,来者竟是欧敬豪,段飞呆住了,为甚么一向是好好先生的敬豪,会是凶残者的化身?当段飞知道这竟是自己一手做成,更是难过不已,他想尽方法,希望可以化解这场浩劫,到后来才发现一切都是徒劳,可以跟敬豪交换和平的,原来只有自己的生命
According to Wulin, there are two supremacy, extraordinary and unprecedented martial arts-Rulai God Palm and Tianyu. These two sets of martial arts are both each other and each other, each with its own thousands of autumn. The legend is created by the two world -famous people 300 years ago. But later, the two of them cried together in a terrible duel of weeping ghosts and gods. As a result, these two kinds of divine merits were shocked to glance, and they finally became a myth that has been circulated from generation to generation in the martial arts. No one can see its Olympics. Three hundred years later, the unforgettable peerless magic \u0026 lsquo; Rulai God Palm \u0026 rsquo; again reappeared from the rivers and lakes, and people in the rivers and lakes compete for each other, because who knows who learned the palm of Rulai, who can unify martial arts! The rivers and lakes are not related to the silly boy in a small dart bureau, but whoever thinks of God's will is so arranged, making Duan Fei, who had no ambition, and only wanted to get married with his sister Liu Mingzhang to become a savior of the world! Tianyi Ling Duan Fei lost his fingertips, the younger sister, but he met Lu Xiaoyu, who had met his life and death; Tu Xuehua and Xuejuan, who were entangled with him for half a lifetime; Liu Zhong, the founder of Duan Fei's father and Changlong Dart Bureau, was originally a world friend. The two fingertips were married. Duan Fei's father was dying. Although the Central Plains was reluctant, he had to enter Duan into the door. Ming Yan and Duan Fei have no guessing. Although his father Liu Zhongyuan suspected of Duan Feijiadao's dull qualification, Ming Yan was not a momentum of women, and he had been waiting for Duan Fei to be as good as he was. Live and pleasant, Ming Yan, who never knows the sorrow, does not understand what love is. She only knows that she accepts her fate. She believes that Duan Fei will be her husband and look forward to the coming day. The fire and evil god in Duan Fei's eyes is the poor crazy old man in his life, but he does not know that he is the big demon head that everyone gets everyone on the martial arts. Duan Fei was kindly rescued out of mercy and kindly rescued, attracting the anger of people in the rivers and lakes, making him a public enemy of the rivers and lakes. Xiaoyu Xuejuan hugged Duan Fei, and wanted to help Duan Fei and Liu Mingzhang get rid of everything and walked away. During the process, Ming Yan woke up like a dream. There is the love of men and women, and Duan Fei is hit. The frustrated Duan Fei and Huoyun evil gods met, depended on each other, and established a deep relationship between father and son, which made him even more tolerant of the world. What's more, a hatred heart was buried in the body of the fire cloud evil god. He To get a fair, maybe, it is also necessary to give a fair Duan Fei to be involved in the rivers and lakes. Many years ago, the evil god shocked martial arts with the palm of the gods. Shuangfei sent a female disciple Sun Biyun to seduce the ancient sword soul with a beauty plan, and intended to take the opportunity to steal the secrets of the palm of Rulai. The secret knot was unexpected. Sun Biyun regretted that she had to retaliate, but her retaliation object fell on her eldest daughter Xuehua, because Xuehua reminded her of unhappiness with the evil god. Xuehua was severely punished by Biyun from a young age. Fortunately, the young girl Xue Juan comforted her help from the side, and the teenager's life finally survived. LaterBeidao has left Bi Fan to learn martial arts, and Xuehua is also full of joy, because mother and daughter can leave the nightmare! The two lonely hearts of Xuehua and Duan Fei developed deep feelings shortly after they first met. After Duan Fei was changed, there was no mourning. Xiaoyu, the friend of the two, stirred up the wind in the middle, and the fierce feelings were even more open. Xue Juan, the two of them were in pain. Xue Juan was disfigured by the Biyun Qiu family, and even Xiaoyu, who had always admired her, couldn't bear to see her face. Xue Juan ran away from home. Xue Juan, who was helpless, and bad mood, was lucky enough to help Duan Fei in time and care for all kinds of care. Xue Juan had love and poured feelings for Duan Fei. , But she will never give up. This is the first time that the two sisters have not discussed. Xuehua has felt that Xuejuan has been a hot heart since childhood. She chose her family and retreated. Although Xuehua withdrew from the love field, Duan Fei still persisted in entanglement. While Xuehua was distressed, the generation of goddess Ou Feng, who was known for his reputation, claimed to her that she could reply to Xuejuan's appearance, but Xuehua promised him to be reluctant. Please. Xuehua was anxious to become Quan Xuejuan happiness, and in order to make Duan flying to death, he did not hesitate to pay everything, and announced that he would marry Ou Feng's son Wu Linzhong's rising youth talent. Ou Jinghao is the grandson of Feng Dao, the head of the Sanjue Palace. He was deliberately cultivated by his father since he was young. He established his position in the rivers and lakes at a young age. He is a rare leader. Geori -wise Gong Hao, who is better than the sky, has always taken the god of fire and the evil god. When the martial arts leader is the goal of his life, it is a pity that it has become a thorn in the eyes of the fire cloud evil god. In the end, the other party was forced to go, and he couldn't think of Liu Danhua's winding when he came. Although the marriage with the first village in the world can make Jinghao turn around from the bottom of the valley, but he can make people. From the moment he and the young lady of Yuexia Village, the young lady, the young lady, and the time, his life journey was rewritten! Jinghao and Yuxia Villa have long had a long time, and they had a soft spot for Xuejuan. Unfortunately, King Xiang had no intention of dreaming of the goddess. Not only that, Xue Hua, who is a fiancee, misunderstood that he is an organic villain. He is cold and frosty to him, and teaches him to be happy. He had to put away his mood, and he sought to accept Xuehua, but at the moment of the chapel, Duan Fei, who couldn't hold back his feelings, broke into Xitang to grab his relatives. Love, and Xuehua went away after lifting the marriage contract. Duan Fei was surprised by himself. He knew that he had a deep affection for Xuehua, and Xue Juan had to be sad. Duan Fei was associated with no more, Duan Fei was helpless, and Xue Juan had since strived to bond the man. Xiaoyu watched, pain in her heart, and regretted it. And Jinghao, while losing his face, see himselfXue Juan, who admired himself, was entangled with Duan Fei. An unknown jealousy was burning in his heart, and he didn't even detect himself. This jealousy will sweep Wu Lin! Liu Mingyu, who had lifted the marriage contract with Duan Fei on the same day and Duan Fei, did not know what to do. Jinghao actually fascinated Mingyu. He did not hesitate to pursue her strongly, and vowed to marry a beauty. Ming Yan was touched by Jinghao's affection. She believed in fate. She felt that this was a heavenly gift. She arranged for her and Duan Fei to lift the marriage contract, and she arranged for her and Jinghao to meet. Of course, she did not know. This did not know. Everything is a deliberate arrangement of Jinghao. Jinghao finally formed a couple with Ming Yan, and Ming Yan thought that the couple would live happily forever. After the evil god recuperated, he returned to Wulin and vowed to be hegemon. He stepped on the feet who had been forced to death his wife and children. Wulin suddenly became colorful, but Duan Fei left his children's affairs, and it was decided to restore the righteous father. Since ancient times, feelings have been the most effective drugs and the most effective antidote to teach people to lose their minds. The evil god met with Biyun enemies, but it was difficult to distinguish. It was really hate to kill. At the last moment, they shot and rescued. It ’s easy to talk about it, Biyun’ s husband, the owner of the Zhuxia Mountain Village Tujin, see everything, but he is not calm. Since he can marry Biyun who is with the flesh of others, he will be held investigated today. Witness his love and melted Biyun's heart, Biyun finally put down the burden of his life, cultivated his relationship with his daughter, and built his own life. And with hatred as the root, the fire and cloud evil gods that are flourishing on the rivers and lakes are also tired, hoping to stop and rest. After all, Duan Fei's selflessness and desire, no hatred and no grievances, have already moved the evil god's arrogant heart, However, the fame on the rivers and lakes is not about to stop. The virtual name has long been a knife behind him, and he was destroyed by this knife. The responsibility of pursuing the true murderer naturally fell on Duan Fei, but the evil god left the ninth formula of Rulai God to support him. People have always been strange. Legend has it where the palm of the gods goes, and Tianyu's feet will chase it, but to this day, Tianyu's feet still have no trace. Duan Fei also thinks that it can kill the evil god. Unfortunately Knowing that the real murderer is Feng Dao, the head of the Sanju Palace! Duan Feichu used the ninth style, and the wind turned color, Duan Fei himself was scared to stand on the spot by this \u0026 lsquo; Wanfo Chaozong \u0026 rsquo; Feng Dao, who was tens of years in the rivers and lakes, was finally defeated. Although the three clarions were not dead, Duan Fei also found that Rulai God Palm was too cruel, and began to disgust this set of peerless martial arts. Everyone's wishes, Tianyu's feet have finally appeared, and martial arts will be dyed with blood. Only Duan Fei can prevent the Holocaust. Duan Fei only stands at the front line again and becomes the leader of the Wulin League. His friend Xiaoyu, of course, stood on his side, and finally committed danger, penetrating into the tiger's hole with the mysterious person who investigated the gods of the gods as a martial arts, but he never returned. Tianyu's feet finally appeared. The coming person was Ou Jinghao, and Duan Fei stayed. Why is it always a good gentleman?body?When Duan Fei knew that this was done by himself, it was even more sad. He wanted to do his best, hoping to resolve the catastrophe. Later, he found that everything was futile and could exchange peace with Jinghao.life
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