电视剧电影《征服太阳普通话版》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载
影视剧《征服太阳普通话版》,这部电视剧还有一个别名,在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《谁与争辉/谁与争锋/Artid Ching Duang》。这部电视剧于2009首次播出放映,上映伊始就引起了轰动。是一部电视剧类型的影片,情节非常引人入胜,这部电视剧的导演是PaoonJansiri,这部电视剧其实非常考验导演的功底,不管结果如何,但是这个过程都非常费力,如果没有一个很好的功底,不可能导演出这样有特色的电视剧来。参与演出的演员阵容值得介绍一下,演员拼塔安·阿孔萨妮,ThephussadinNaAyutthaya,辛扎伊·本班尼等都参与了演出,他们在这次的合作非常默契,在剧中扮演的人物各有特色,很多人都是本色出演,本片是在泰国拍摄的,好的制片地和好的选景对于影片来说非常重要,选对一个好的拍摄地对于电视剧来说可谓相当关键,不仅关系到费用的支出,也关系到演员的发挥和影片的整体质量。这部电视剧上映的评分是6.7,这个分数对于这样的作品来说是有些偏低的。但是瑕不掩瑜,是金子就会发光的,好的作品也一定能够经得起时间的考验。
《征服太阳》是一部家族争产剧,透着泰国豪门的恩怨与是非。得先看看这个故事的缘起:泰国Soriyatit财团百货公司的庆典上,继承人RangSee与为活动演出的SaengLaa一见钟情,两人互许终生。时隔不久,RangSee迫于家族压力与并不相爱的BparnRawee(NOK饰)结婚,婚后不久RangSee因车祸瘫痪,于是夫妻俩从孤儿院领养了Patgorn做为继承人。SaengLaa带着满腹的委屈到一个小镇生活,发现自己经怀有身孕,写信向RangSee求助不成,只能自己生下女儿RangRong(AOM饰)独自养育,过着清苦压抑的生活,常常借酒浇愁。20年后,SaengLaa因酒精中毒去世,临死前,她告诉了女儿的真实身份并嘱托RangRong为她报仇,夺回Soriyatit财团的继承权。带着母亲的遗愿,RangRong来到生父身边与BparnRawee和Patgorn展开了一场财产争夺大战...... 当SaengLaa知道自己怀孕后给RangSee写了一封信,希望能够得到他的帮助.BarnRawee先发现了这封信,知道RangSee跟外面的女人有了孩子.BarnRawee害怕自己的地位受到威胁,就偷偷的去见受了很多苦的SaengLaa,提出可以给她足够的补偿,但前提是要打掉腹中的胎儿.BarnRawee强制让SaengLaa离开,并带她去偏远的诊所打胎. 同时,占卜师预言Sooriyartit家族将在RangSee这一代断绝血脉,这让RangSee倍感压力.RangSee期望能够BarnRawee生个儿子,但BarnRawee因害怕被遗弃一直没敢将自己不能生育的真相告诉RangSee(aom父亲扮演),她只告诉了自己最信任的仆人Neuang. BparnRawee回到家才知道RangSee发生了严重的车祸成了植物人,她只能自叹命运不济。二年后,RangSee有所恢复,但下肢却终生瘫痪。RangSee又不能生孩子,她失去了生活的意义。后来RangSee收养了一个男孩,并取名叫Patgorn。BparnRawee和RangSee把他当成自己的亲生儿子一样对待,并希望Patgorn能够继承Sooriyartit家族的产业,可不想让Sooriyartit家族产业旁落Wongsarknayat对此一直心存不满。 BparnRawee只能尽全力保护Patgorn,她求助于Chodti的帮助。Chodti不仅是RangSee的最信任的律师,也是BparnRawee的老朋友。他不仅一直尽力于Sooriyartit家族,也偷偷地爱着parnRawee。 20年后,在泰国Lumphun省,一个叫RangRong的女孩生活在社会最底层,她不仅要为生存而挣扎,还要尽力去赚钱为酗酒成性的妈妈治病.一天,她回家看到,当电视上播亿万富翁Patgorn回泰国的新闻时,她妈妈异常愤怒.她不明白为什么她妈妈对Soriyatit家族如此仇恨. 同时,在Soriyatit家中正在为Patgorn举行欢迎舞会。在舞会上,RangSee宣布他将把家产分给BparnRawee与Patgorn,这一举动引起了在场众亲戚的嫉妒。其中,远房亲戚PiangPon,她的儿子PiangSoon在Soriyatit家族企业只是一个小职员,他一直嫉妒Patgorn一个养子却拥有那么多财产,对此,他们怀恨在心,但由于对BparnRawee心存忌惮,所以表面上并没流露出不满。被赶出舞会的Napar和Faarong是一对母女,Napar想让自己女儿Faarong趁此次机会勾引Patgorn,以达到得到财产的目的,但被BparnRawee识破了诡计,所以把她们赶了出来。 当舞会正进行时,RangRong出现了,因为她穿着孝服显的很老气,Neuang(BparnRawee的仆人)不让她进去。RangRong为了见到RangSee,只能告诉Neuang她是SaengLa的女儿,她来是想见到自己的亲生父亲RangSee。 Neuang赶紧向BparnRawee汇报了这件事,BparnRawee对RangRong的出现深感意外。正当RangSee宣布把家产分给BparnRawee与Patgorn的时候,RangRong闯进来宣布自己才是RangSee的女儿,是Soriyatit家族真正的继承人。 RangRong的出现如同重磅炸弹令在场的人惊诧不已,RangSee火急攻心晕了过去。BparnRawee让Chodti把RangRong带离舞会,但RangRong拒绝离开,除非RangSee认了她这个女儿。 RangSee醒过来后,要求见一见这个宣称是自己女儿的人。RangRong就把从母亲那听来的故事讲给了RangSee听,并拿出当年RangSee送给母亲的戒指。因为RangSee没有自己的孩子,所以在没有做亲子鉴定的情况下,他就接受了RangRong是他女儿的事实。 BparnRawee并不相信RangRong的话,她让Chodti去Lumphun省调查RangRong的背景。结果发现,RangRong的经历复杂——打架、偷窃,而且她母亲的死并不象她说的是死于抑郁,而是死于酒精中毒。BparnRawee认为RangRong善于说谎、阴险狡猾,所以对她严加防范。但由于RangSee对这个失而复得的女儿倍加关心,所以BparnRawee也不敢随便做什么。 RangRong私下对BparnRawee骂语相加,但表面上又装成柔弱的样子,并利用各种机会让RangSee误以为是BparnRawee是个恶人。而养子Patgorn则偷偷的观察RangRong,发现她并不象她自己说的或者表现的那样,是个单纯的、无辜的乡村姑娘。 RangRong的出现也给其它人的生活带来了波澜。Napar和Faarong母女怕RangRong会抢夺Patgorn的继承权,因此参与了这场风波。而PiangPon和PiangSoon则相反,他们觉得RangRong正好可以让Patgorn继承的美梦落空,而且PiangSoon还想通过跟RangRong结婚达到霸占Soriyatit家族产业的目的。RangRong心知肚明,却故意装傻,企图借助PiangSoon来打击BarnRawee。 不久,RangRong为了让自己更加名正言顺,要求她父亲公开承认她的身分。RangSee照做了。这让BarnRawee颜面尽失。后来RangRong又想在SUN公司工作,想借此机会了解家族业务,RangSee也同意了。这件事导致BarnRawee非常生气,并与RangSee发生了强烈的争吵。Chodti让BarnRawee保持冷静,而且他强调RangRong虽然是私生女,但她拥有继承财产的权力,而且她也有权力涉足家族企业的管理。但BarnRawee则坚信RangRong的最终目的是接近她,并要把她制以死地。 最后,RangRong是否能够成功的报复BarnRawee,并继承Soriyatit家族的财产呢?
又名:谁与争辉/谁与争锋/Artid Ching Duang
\"Conquest of the Sun\" is a family of fighting for production, showing the grievances and rights of Thai giants. First look at the origin of this story: At the celebration of the SORIYATIT Consortium Department Store in Thailand, the heirs Rangsee and Saenglaa who performed for the event fell in love at first sight, and the two had their lives. Shortly after, Rangsee was forced to marry the family pressure and BPARNRAWEE (Nok) who did not love each other. Shortly after the marriage, Rangsee was paralyzed by a car accident, so the couple adopted Patgorn as the heir from the orphanage. Saenglaa came to a small town to live with his belly, and found that he was pregnant and wrote a letter to ask Rangsee for help. He could only give birth to his daughter Rangrong (AOM) to raise alone. Sorrow. Twenty years later, Saenglaa died of alcohol poisoning. Before she died, she told her daughter's true identity and asked Rangrong to avenge her to regain the inheritance of the Soriyatit consortium. With his mother's last wishes, Rangrong came to his biological father and started a battle with BPARNRAWEE and Patgorn ... When Saenglaa knew that he was pregnant, he wrote a letter to Rangsee, hoping to get his help .barnrawee. I found this letter first, knowing that Rangsee and the woman outside had children .barnrawee was afraid that his status would be threatened, so he secretly saw a lot of bitter Saenglaa and proposed to give her enough compensation, but the premise is to fight The fetus in the abdomen .barnrawee forced to let Saenglaa leave and took her to the remote clinic. At the same time, the divinationr predicted the SOORIYARTIT family to interrupt the blood in the Rangsee, which made Rangsee feel pressure .rangsee expected to be a son , But Barnrawee has never dared to tell the truth that he could not have fertility because he was afraid of being abandoned (played by AOM father). She only told her most trustworthy servant Neuang. BPARNRAWEE to go home before they knew that Rangsee had a serious car accident and became a plant man. She can only sigh for her fate. Two years later, Rangsee recovered, but his lower limbs were paralyzed for life. Rangsee can't give birth to a child, she lost the meaning of life. Later Rangsee adopted a boy and named Patgorn. BPARNRAWEE and Rangsee treat him like his biological son, and hopes that Patgorn can inherit the industry of the Sooriyartit family, but he does not want to let Wongsarknayat fall next to the SOORIYARTIT family industry. BPARNRAWEE can only try to protect Patgorn, she asked for helpCHODTI's help. Chodti is not only the most trusted lawyer of Rangsee, but also an old friend of BPARNRAWEE. He has not only tried his best to be in the SOORIYARTIT family, but also secretly loved Parnrawee. Twenty years later, in Lumphun Province, Thailand, a girl named Rangrong lived at the bottom of society. She had to struggle for survival, but also trying to make money for alcoholic mothers. One day, she went home and saw it. When the news of Billionaire Patgorn on TV returned to Thailand, her mother was extremely angry. She didn't understand why her mother hated the Soriyatit family so hate. At the same time, she was holding a welcome ball for Patgorn in Soriyatit's home. At the dance, Rangsee announced that he would score the property to BPARNRAWEE and Patgorn, which caused jealousy of relatives present. Among them, the distant relative Piangpon, her son Piangsoon is just a small staff member in the Soriyatit family company. He has always been jealous of Patgorn's adopted son but has so much property. In this regard, they are hateful, but because they are afraid of BPARNRAWEE, they are on the surface. No dissatisfaction was revealed. Napar and Faarong, who were kicked out of the ball, were a pair of mothers and daughters. Napar wanted his daughter Faarong to take the opportunity to seduce Patgorn to achieve the purpose of obtaining property, but was caught by BPARNRAWee, so they caught them out. When the ball was ongoing, Rangrong appeared, because she was very old -fashioned in filial piety, Neuang (BPARNRAWEE's servant) did not let her go in. In order to see Rangsee, Rangrong can only tell Neuang that she is Saengla's daughter, and she came to see her biological father, Rangsee. Neuang quickly reported to BPARNRAWEE, and BPARNRAWEE was deeply surprised by the appearance of Rangrong. Just as Rangsee announced that the production was scored to BPARNRAWEE and Patgorn, Rangrong broke in and announced that he was Rangsee's daughter and the real heir of the Soriyatit family. The appearance of Rangrong was shocked like a blockbuster bomb, and Rangsee was fainted in a hurry. BPARNRAWEE asked Chodti to bring Rangrong away from the ball, but Rangrong refused to leave unless Rangsee recognized her daughter. After Rangsee woke up, he asked to see the person who claimed to be his daughter. Rangrong told the story from the mother's listening to Rangsee and took out the ring given to the mother that Rangsee was given to the mother. Because Rangsee is not self -derivedHis child, so he accepted the fact that Rangrong was his daughter without a parent -child identification. BPARNRAWEE does not believe in Rangrong's words, she asked Chodti to go to Lumphun to investigate the background of Rangrong. It was found that Rangrong's experience was complicated -fighting and theft, and her mother's death was not like she was saying that she died of depression, but died of alcohol poisoning. BPARNRAWEE believes that Rangrong is good at lying and sinister, so she strictly prevents her. But because Rangsee cares about this lost daughter, BPARNRAWEE dare not do anything casually. Rangrong privately added to BPARNRAWEE, but on the surface, it was faint, and used various opportunities to make Rangsee mistakenly think that BPARNRAWEE was a wicked person. The adopted son Patgorn secretly observed Rangrong and found that she was not as a simple, innocent rural girl as she said or behaved. The emergence of Rangrong also brought waves to the lives of others. NAPAR and Faarong's mother -in -law are afraid that Rangrong will rob Patgorn's inheritance right, so they participate in this storm. The opposite of piangpon and piangsoon, they think that Rangrong can just make Patgorn's inheritance dreams fall, and PIANGSOON also wants to achieve the purpose of occupying the Soriyatit family industry by marrying Rangrong. Rangrong knows clearly, but deliberately pretended to be stupid, trying to use Piangsoon to fight Barnrawee. Soon, Rangrong asked her father to publicly admit her identity in order to make herself more famous. Rangsee photos are done. This made Barnrawee lose face. Later, Rangrong wanted to work at Sun Company and wanted to take this opportunity to understand the family business. Rangsee also agreed. This incident caused Barnrawee to be very angry and had a strong quarrel with Rangsee. Chodti kept Barnrawee calm, and he emphasized that although Rangrong was an illegitimate daughter, she had the power to inherit property, and she had the power to get involved in the management of family businesses. But Barnrawee firmly believes that Rangrong's ultimate goal is to approach her and make her to death. In the end, can Rangrong successfully retaliate against Barnrawee and inherit the property of the Soriyatit family?
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