电视剧电影《大秦帝国》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载
影视剧《大秦帝国》,这部电视剧还有一个别名,在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《新大秦帝国(台) 》,《 大秦帝国 第一部:裂变 》,《 大秦帝国之裂变》。这部电视剧于2009-12-18首次播出放映,上映伊始就引起了轰动。是一部电视剧类型的影片,情节非常引人入胜,这部电视剧的导演是黄健中,这部电视剧其实非常考验导演的功底,不管结果如何,但是这个过程都非常费力,如果没有一个很好的功底,不可能导演出这样有特色的电视剧来。参与演出的演员阵容值得介绍一下,演员侯勇,吕中,王志飞,卢勇等都参与了演出,他们在这次的合作非常默契,在剧中扮演的人物各有特色,很多人都是本色出演,本片是在大陆拍摄的,好的制片地和好的选景对于影片来说非常重要,选对一个好的拍摄地对于电视剧来说可谓相当关键,不仅关系到费用的支出,也关系到演员的发挥和影片的整体质量。这部电视剧上映的评分是8.7,这个分数对于这样的作品来说是有些偏低的。但是瑕不掩瑜,是金子就会发光的,好的作品也一定能够经得起时间的考验。
该剧剧情以原作小说系列为蓝本,本着尊重史实为原则,进行了适度的艺术加工,尽可能还原历史真相。该剧讲述了战国时代的秦国经变法而由弱转强,东出与六国争霸进而一统天下,以及最后走向灭亡的过程。在群雄逐鹿,山河日变的大争之世,在英雄辈出,百家争鸣的战国时代,华夏大地的西陲正经历着一场亘古未有的黑色裂变。 古老的秦部族正是在这裂变般的阵痛中重生。他们燃烧着自己,用一段段血与泪,爱与恨交织的悲壮故事,推动着整个时代前行。最终大出天下,与中原六国相融合,共同成就华夏文明的正源。 公元前三百六十二年,满怀壮志,发誓要夺回老秦故土河西的秦献公赢师隰,在黄河西岸的少梁山与魏国大军进行了一场惨烈的厮杀。尽管秦军斩敌无数,并一举擒获对方主帅公孙痤。但秦献公却身中毒箭而死。 嫡子嬴渠梁灵前即位,史称秦孝公。 秦国此时已陷入四面楚歌之绝境,辎重耗尽,兵源匮乏,国力虚弱。秦孝公即位后,秦国危局如独木撑天,摇摇欲坠。六国在山东召集大会,准备分秦,内外堪忧,秦国的生死存亡,压在一个22岁的年轻君主身上。 秦孝公赢渠梁清醒地认识到秦国的落后与六国亡秦之心,为了稳定最急于灭秦的魏国,他在所有大臣的反对下,释放了本应斩首为先父祭灵的魏国丞相公孙痤。并拿出国库与皇室私库的所有财产,用秦国不世珍宝,以及巨大商利相诱六国权贵,力保秦国三年无战事,为秦国赢得了一丝喘息之机。 秦孝公手刻国耻碑,以血涂字,立于宫门,誓以变法强国。秦孝公大召天下贤士,六国学子,入秦为宫。在与贤士的反复切磋度量之中,卫鞅脱颖而出。卫鞅只身一人游遍秦国穷山恶水,深入荒村野镇,了解当地民俗民风,努力寻找秦国落后的根源,竭力暝思治秦策略。同时,他也被这朴实,坚毅的秦风深深吸引。在这短短的三个月里,他便明确了此后二十年,自己与秦国要走的路。 渭水船头,他一展其为政主张,以他的法家思想折服了秦孝公。卫鞅的《治秦九论》更使其看到了秦国的未来希望。他们连谈三天三夜,决定实行变法,以法制国。并立下了君臣相知,永不相负的誓言。 秦孝公拜卫鞅为相,开始了君臣二十年的大变法。 卫鞅拜相后,颁布命令,禁止私斗,平民有战功可以封爵,取消封地,废除井田等一系列主张,朝野之间,不啻于天翻地覆。平民封爵,开三皇五帝之先例,废除封地,动摇封建基础,更有开阡陌、废井田,使六国守旧之士顿足大骂,当然,对卫鞅来说,压力最大的则来自于秦国内部的贵族势力,嬴渠梁的兄长嬴虔、长史公孙贾、上大夫甘龙等这些前朝权倾朝野的大臣,对卫鞅刻骨仇恨。由于秦孝公的支持,只能在背地下手。 权贵之臣们关注着卫鞅以法治国的成效,到处游说鼓动,卫鞅通过城门立木,在民间赢得信任。适逢河西村村民群斗,以身试法,村民们仗着是太子封地,不肯伏法,卫鞅亲自监斩,一次斩首七百余众,天下大哗。犯人临死前幡然悔悟的吼声:秦人莫忘,私斗罪死耻辱!公战流血不朽!在所有秦人的内心深深地烙下了法的烙印。 此事却震惊了主张非战非攻,除暴政暴君的政侠墨家的子弟。墨家向来以除暴天下为己任,闻知卫鞅的暴行,召集门下弟子,发出除暴令,准备对他们认定的苛政,暴君,酷吏进行大规模的刺杀行动。 秦孝公为了变法不在初期夭折,舍弃一己的生命,亲至墨家驻地神农大山,拜见墨子。在墨家论政台上,孝公慷慨陈词,连身居幕后的老墨子也被他的英雄气概与王者风范所折服。老墨子最终决定与秦国冰释前嫌。秦孝公又要与恋人别离,他们立下了至死不渝的誓言。天地合,乃敢与君绝。 变法使得秦国蒸蒸日上。农人力耕,百工勤奋,商市通达,民风日新,人人踊跃参军,准备杀敌立功,授官封爵。新法法制逐渐深入人心。 为了能够得到秦王室更坚定的支持,在白雪的理解和劝导下,卫鞅与秦孝公的妹妹聪敏贤惠的荧玉公主举行了大婚 卫鞅的第二批变法令陆续颁布以后,更是朝野沸腾。取消贵族封地,是破天荒的创举,秦国贵族视他为寇仇一般。河西村的村民给太子交私粮的时候,私粮全部被换为泥沙。太子一怒之下,杀死了几个村民,又撞在了卫鞅的法令上。这是一次比以往都更艰难的考验。 卫鞅废黜了太子,流放他到秦国边境之地,不得征召,不得回来。太子的两名师傅公孙贾被放逐陇西牧马,嬴虔被削去鼻子。 经过这次事变,朝野的风波平息了,卫鞅深知自己的处境,这段仇恨已处在无法化解的地步,即无可解,也不须解。作为法家的大师,他正带领着秦国一步一步地接近他理想中的大治之世。 秦孝公不顾卫鞅的反对,将商地在名义上封给卫鞅,国人尊称卫鞅为商君,后世称商鞅。 整整二十年过去了,变法持续了二十年,秦国的新军练成,国富民强,百姓勇于公斗,平民争立战功。秦孝公和商鞅都老了,不足五十岁,都已是心力交瘁。秦孝公召回了流放二十年的太子嬴驷,撒手而亡。 嬴驷即位,六国趁机向秦国施加压力,要求秦国杀商鞅以谢天下。朝堂内外又是一番气象,陈渣泛起,旧恨新仇都浮上来。一直在秘密破坏变法的老臣们终于可以在阳光下窃窃私语了,他们听说新国君嬴驷也有杀商鞅的想法,争先恐后地跳出来。 商鞅将手中的政权、兵权交出,带领弟子们最后一次修订秦法,坦然被捕,被五牛分尸。 嬴驷出兵函谷关,进取河西之地,扫清所有反对变法的旧贵族,将商鞅之法立为万世国法,其实,这是商鞅为保护新君、保护变法而舍其生命下的一步大棋。最后一招,以一己之生命赌秦国万世之强盛。嬴驷果然英才,后人却不知道,商鞅才是真正的历史棋局中的大国手。 而在那充满霸气的咸阳皇宫里,一个比他任何先辈都要更加冷俊的铁碗君主,正在谋划着将怎样扫平一切胆敢阻挡他完成霸业的朽物。一场新的血雨腥风又将开始了
又名:新大秦帝国(台) , 大秦帝国 第一部:裂变 , 大秦帝国之裂变
The drama is based on the original novel series, and in accordance with the principles of respect for history, it has carried out moderate art processing to restore the historical truth as much as possible. The play tells the process of being weak in the Qin Dynasty's classics in the Warring States Period. In the contest of the heroes and the changes of the mountains and rivers, in the Warring States Period in the Warring States Period in the heroes of the heroes, the west of the Chinese land was experiencing a black fission that was unprecedentedly. The ancient Qin tribe was reborn in this fission -like pain. They burned themselves, using a paragraph of blood and tears, the tragic story of love and hate, pushing forward the entire era. In the end, the world was fused with the six kingdoms of the Central Plains to achieve the positive source of Huaxia civilization together. In the year of 362 BC, he was full of ambition and vowed to recapture the Qin Xiangong of the old Qin Dynasty. Despite the countless enemies of Qin Jun, he captured the opponent's coach Gongsun acne in one fell swoop. But Qin Xiangong died of poisoning. The sister -in -law Qi Liang Ling was ascended, and it was called Qin Xiaogong. At this time, Qin Guo had fallen into the desperate situation of Chu Ge on all sides. After Qin Xiaogong's throne, the crisis of Qin Guo was dull and crumbling. The six kingdoms convened the conference in Shandong to prepare to divide Qin. They were worried inside and outside. Qin Xiaogong won the Qin soberly realizing Qin's backwardness and the heart of the Qin of the six kingdoms. In order to stabilize the Wei State who was most urgent to destroy the Qin, he released the beheading of all the ministers to the first father's sacrifice. Wei Guo's Prime Minister Gongsun Acne. And took out all the property of the Treasury and the Royal Tank, used Qin Kingdom's treasures, and huge Shangli to seduce the power of the six countries, and formed the Qin Kingdom for three years without war, winning a breathing opportunity for Qin State. Qin Xiaogong engraved the national shame of the country, painted the word with blood, standing in the palace door, and vowed to be a power to a power. Qin Xiaogong called the sage of the world, and the students of the six kingdoms were entered the Qin as the palace. In the repeated amount of the sage, Wei Yan stood out. Wei Yi swim through the poor mountains and waters of Qin Kingdom, go deep into the wild village, understand the local folk customs, strive to find the roots of Qin Guo's backwardness, and strive to rule the Qin strategy. At the same time, he was deeply attracted by this simple and resolute Qin Feng. In the short three months, he clarified the road he and Qin Guo were going for the next two decades. The Weishui ship, he exhibited him as a political proposition, and convinced Qin Xiaogong with his legalist thought. Wei Yan's \"Governing Qin Nine theory\" made him see Qin's future hope. They talked about three days and three nights, and decided to implement the law to make the law. The vows of the monarchs and ministers knew each other. Qin Xiaogong worshiped Wei Yan as a look and began the 20 -year -old reform of the monarch and minister. After Wei Yan worshiped, he issued an order to prohibit private fighting. Civilians have war to seal the jue, cancel the sealed land, and abolish a series of claims such as Jingtian. Civilians seal the jue, open the precedent of the three emperors and five emperors, abolish the land, shake the feudal foundation, and also have the open -minded and abandoned fields, so that the six nations are scolded by the old people of the old. Domestic aristocratic power, Qunqu LiangHis elder brothers Xun Qian, Chang Shi Gong Jia, and Shang Dr. Ganlong and other ministers who had fallen in power and other powers were engraved with hatred. Due to Qin Xiaogong's support, he can only start underground. The ministers of the power and wealthy were paying attention to Wei Yan's effectiveness of governing the country with the law, lobbying and encouraging everywhere. Coinciding with the villagers in Hexi Village, the villagers were trying to try the law. The villagers rely on the prince to seal the land and refuse to ignore the law. Wei Yan personally supervised it. The prisoner's regret before dying: The Qin people did not forget, and the crime of private fighting was shame! Public war bleeds immortal! All the Qin people's hearts were deeply branded. The incident shocked the children of the political and non -attack, except for the tyranny's children. The Mo family has always taken the mission of eliminating the world, and heard that Wei Wei's atrocities were summoned, and disciples below the door, issuing a violence order, and preparing to have a large -scale assassination operation to the harsh politics, tyrants, and cool officials that they had identified. Qin Xiaogong died in the early days of the reform, abandoned his own life, and went to Shennong Dashan in the Mo family in the Mo family. On the Mo Jia's political platform, Xiaogong generously, and Lao Mozi, who was behind the scenes, was also convinced by his heroic spirit and king's style. Lao Mozi finally decided to show his suspicion with Qin Guobing. Qin Xiaogong will leave from his lover, and they have made an unswerving vow. The heaven and earth are in harmony with the monarch. The transformation made Qin Kingdom flourishing. Agricultural and human cultivation, diligent workers, business in the commercial city, and new folk customs. The new legal system has gradually become popular. In order to be able to get the more firm support of the Qin royal family, under the understanding and persuasion of Bai Xue, Princess Yingyu, the sister of Qin Xiaogong, and Qin Xiaogong's younger sister, held the second batch of changes in the big wedding Wei Yan successively. boiling. The cancellation of the aristocracy was a burst of pioneering. When the villagers in Hexi Village gave the prince's benefits, all private grains were replaced with sediment. As soon as the prince was furious, he killed several villagers and hit Wei Yan's decree. This is a more difficult test than ever. Wei Yan abolished the prince, exiled him to the border of the Qin Kingdom. The two prince's two masters Gongsun Jia was exiled to Longxi Wrangler, and Qi Qian was cut off his nose. After this incident, the storm of the opposition and the opposition calmed down. Wei Yan knew his situation. This hatred was already in the point where it could not be resolved. As a master of the legalist, he is leading Qin Guo to approach his ideal Dazhi's world step by step. Regardless of Wei Yan's opposition, Qin Xiaogong gave the business land to Wei Yan nominal. Twenty years have passed, and the reform lasted for two decades. The new army of Qin State was trained. Both Qin Xiaogong and Shang Yang are old, and they are less than 50 years old. They are already struggling. Qin Xiaogong recalled the prince who was exiled for 20 years, and died. In the throne, the six kingdoms took the opportunity to put pressure on Qin State and asked Qin to kill Shang Ye to thank the world. There was another weather inside and outside the court. The old minister who has been secretly destroying the reform methodWe can finally whisper in the sun. They heard that the new Kingdoms also had the idea of killing Shang Yang and jumped out.Shang Yang handed over the regime and military power in his hand, led the disciples to revise Qin Fa for the last time, was arrested frankly, and was divided by five cows.He was sent to Hangu Pass, aggressive in Hexi, cleared all old aristocrats who opposed reforms, and established the law of Shang Ye as the law of the world.chess.In the last move, he bet on Qin Guo's life with his own life.后 , ,, but the descendants do not know, Shang Ye is the big country in the real historical chess game.In the domineering Xianyang Royal Palace, an iron bowl monarch, who was more cold than any of his ancestors, was planning how to flatten all the dare to stop him from completing the hegemony.A new blood rain will start again
手机 大秦帝国 - 第51集169.4 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第50集152.6 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第49集154.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第48集153.7 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第47集156.2 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第46集153.3 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第45集152.9 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第44集154.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第43集155.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第42集154.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第41集153.9 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第40集154.0 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第39集153.4 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第38集153.5 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第37集153.3 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第36集154.3 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第35集154.8 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第34集153.5 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第33集152.5 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第32集154.2 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第31集153.4 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第30集154.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第29集154.2 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第28集154.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第27集154.6 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第26集153.7 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第25集155.0 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第24集154.4 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第23集154.2 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第22集154.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第21集153.8 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第20集154.4 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第19集156.2 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第18集158.5 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第17集153.5 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第16集154.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第15集153.7 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第14集155.2 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第13集153.8 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第12集152.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第11集154.6 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第10集155.2 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第9集152.6 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第8集151.2 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第7集154.1 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第6集153.5 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第5集153.4 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第4集155.0 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第3集156.7 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第2集162.7 M
手机 大秦帝国 - 第1集162.9 M
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