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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏 第四季》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏 第四季》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载
电视剧电影《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏 第四季》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载

影视剧《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏 第四季》,这部电视剧于2014首次播出放映,上映伊始就引起了轰动。是一部电视剧类型的影片,情节非常引人入胜,这部电视剧的导演是艾利克斯·格雷夫斯,这部电视剧其实非常考验导演的功底,不管结果如何,但是这个过程都非常费力,如果没有一个很好的功底,不可能导演出这样有特色的电视剧来。参与演出的演员阵容值得介绍一下,演员麦茜·威廉姆斯,艾米莉亚·克拉克,伊萨克·亨普斯特德-怀特,斯蒂芬·迪兰,彼特·丁拉基等都参与了演出,他们在这次的合作非常默契,在剧中扮演的人物各有特色,很多人都是本色出演,本片是在欧美拍摄的,好的制片地和好的选景对于影片来说非常重要,选对一个好的拍摄地对于电视剧来说可谓相当关键,不仅关系到费用的支出,也关系到演员的发挥和影片的整体质量。这部电视剧上映的评分是9.6,这个分数对于这样的作品来说是有些偏低的。但是瑕不掩瑜,是金子就会发光的,好的作品也一定能够经得起时间的考验。

故事发展到第四季,乔佛里国王(杰克格里森JackGleeson饰)和小玫瑰玛格瑞特(娜塔莉多默NatalieDormer饰)的盛大婚礼即将举行,红毒蛇马尔泰(佩德罗帕斯卡PedroPascal饰)应邀来到首都,然而,和兰尼斯特家族有着深仇大恨的他此行目的并不单纯。镜头转向北方,野人的大举进攻让守护长城的百余名守夜人人人自危,在琼恩(基特哈灵顿KitHarington饰)的带领下,他们能够平安度过这一场危机吗?越过海峡,龙母丹尼莉丝(艾米莉亚克拉克EmiliaClarke饰)率领着她的无垢者军团一路前行,解放奴隶无数,一边是茫茫的大海,一边是越来越狂野的巨龙,丹尼莉丝最终能否实现自己的复辟梦想?森林中,布兰(艾萨克赫普斯戴德-怀特IsaacHempstead-Wright饰)一行人要面对的除了寒冷和饥饿外,还有来自恐怖堡的重重追踪,另一边,小小的艾丽娅(麦茜威廉姆斯MaisieWilliams饰)在猎狗(罗伊麦克凯恩RoryMcCann饰)的保护之下俨然已经成长为了能够独当一面的女汉子,在他们的旅途中,又会发生怎样的险情呢?这一季中,虽然坏人们依旧作威作福,但正如宣传语中所说的那样,好人们就要回来了!分集剧情第1集再度进发奥伯伦进入君临城。浩瀚的历史画卷仍然在继续展开,马泰尔家族登上了历史的舞台。提利昂接见了这一行匆匆赶来的使者,并且表明了自己的身份。提利昂询问多恩亲王为何没有到来,对方表示奥伯伦亲王代替身体不方便的道昂亲王赶来了。提利昂十分着急,认为应该在奥伯伦亲王杀人之前找到他。此时的奥伯伦亲王正在屋子里面和一群女人寻欢作乐,甚至包括一个年轻的男人在一起亵玩。但是奥伯伦亲王的寻欢作乐却被人打断了,外面传来了兰尼斯特家族人的气味。奥伯伦走出来以后双方的气氛一触即发,多恩人看着兰尼斯特人十分不爽,对方也是这样。结果此时提利昂闯了进来,表示了自己的欢迎。奥伯伦介绍自己的情妇艾拉莉亚和提利昂认识。提利昂要求和奥伯伦单独谈谈,结果奥伯伦表示自己一定会想办法讨回自己家族的旧仇。卡丽熙一直想要驯服龙,但是却十分的困难。巴利斯坦爵士帮助卡丽熙掌管军队,但是灰虫子赌博却被卡丽熙发现了。他们赌博的奖品乃是和卡丽熙随侍左右的荣耀,卡丽熙对此十分无奈。提利昂的妻子不愿意吃东西,提利昂只能走过去安慰对方,表示自己一定会想办法帮助对方的。塞恩人的军队开始了新一轮的审讯。断掌科林被杀,这导致了游骑兵琼恩的被迫审讯。但是他直接说出了现在的局势之紧张,并且表示曼斯的军队已经在杀此处的路上了,要求放了自己。琼恩最终被无罪释放。玛格丽特即将举办自己的婚礼,她的奶奶在精心的为她寻找着珠宝。此时布雷尼来到了老夫人的房间,她没想到的是老夫人居然对这个打败了自己孙子的女人十分礼遇。卡丽熙的手下送给了她一直蓝玫瑰,并且劝告她应该了解土地上面的人们和植物,了解当地的风土人情。卡丽熙收下了玫瑰。唐托斯爵士找到了霍拉德家族的小女儿,把自己的项链送给了她。昔日荣耀的爵士,现在成了一个酒鬼。第2集乔佛里在婚礼上被毒死拉姆斯带着猎狗和米兰达追杀艾菊,艾菊被米兰达的箭射中腿部,还被猎狗撕碎。詹姆与提利昂一起吃饭,因为被拉姆斯砍掉了手,詹姆很是难过。提利昂劝他打起精神锻炼左手,并让他与波隆一起练剑。卢斯带着妻子回到恐怖堡,拉姆斯急于想跟卢斯证明自己的实力。拉姆斯把席恩削了皮,卢斯十分生气,并讽刺拉姆斯只是自己的私生子而已,却替自己做了决定。拉姆斯让席恩当着卢斯的面给自己刮胡子,并讽刺席恩的兄弟都死了,席恩没有说什么,继续帮拉姆斯刮胡子,卢斯有些惊讶。瓦里斯给提利昂通风报信说与提利昂有染的妓女雪伊的事情被姐姐瑟曦发现了,瑟曦还要将此事告诉父亲泰温,雪伊将被吊死,瓦里斯劝提利昂赶紧送走雪伊。乔佛里将与玛格丽举行婚礼,皇室的人一起吃饭并给乔佛里献上礼物。瑟曦看到了端盘子的雪伊,并告诉泰温。泰温送给了乔佛里一把利剑。提利昂约了雪伊,并说两人以后不要再见面了,让波隆给雪伊送到了潘托斯。梅丽珊卓把赛丽斯王后的哥哥烧死,王后反而开心哥哥被光之王接受了。布兰进入夏天的身体,享受狼的捕食的快乐,阿多把他叫醒,玖健劝他不能在狼的身体里呆太久。布兰看到了一棵心树,摸到那棵树的时候,布兰看到了自己的目的地并告诉了伙伴们。  乔佛里与玛格丽的婚礼如期举行,在婚宴上,乔佛里请来的乐队在唱歌,然而他并不满意,拿了一把金币扔在他们身上赶他们下去了。玛格丽在婚宴上宣布,所有的食物将会赏赐给国家最贫穷的人们,大家对这一做法很是欣赏。瑟曦谢谢布雷妮救詹姆,布雷妮说应该是詹姆救了自己,瑟曦说自己知道布雷妮喜欢詹姆。乔佛里请来五个侏儒来演五王之争的戏,全场哈哈大笑,乔佛里羞辱提利昂应该也去演,提利昂说应该让乔佛里演,乔佛里生气地把酒倒在提利昂头上,还让提利昂给自己倒酒。这时巨型派来了,本打算走的提利昂与珊莎被乔佛里叫住,乔佛里让提利昂继续给自己倒酒,可刚喝一口就七窍流血而死。瑟曦认定是提利昂在酒里下毒,害死了乔佛里。评价:第9集果然是冲击力十足。龙妈越来越霸气,狼家暂时式微,不过以后的走势可是变化多端的哦。Ep01:谁他妈都别想动我的炸鸡,谁他妈都别想Ep02:恭喜雷克雅未克土摇团西瓜肉丝上位为婚宴必备【呵呵不听后摇活该领便当Ep4:他妈这剧情是写同人吗没有人管了啊已报警Ep07:没了原著的茫然与挣扎龙妈就是玛丽苏Ep08:入我春梦的演员又死了:)Ep10:黎德和美人的线闹哪样!还有说好的石心和金屎呢!

冰与火之歌:权力的游戏 第四季


The story developed to the fourth season, and the grand wedding of King Jackdon (Jackgleeson) and Little Rose Margrete (Natalido NataliedOrmer) is about to be held, and the Red Poison Snake Malta Pedropascal was invited to the capital, however, he had a deep hatred with the Lannister family. The purpose of this trip was not simple. The shot turned to the north, and the savage's big offensive allowed more than a hundred night guards who guarded the Great Wall to be self -risk. Can they survive this crisis safely under the leadership of Jon (Kitharington)? Crossing the Strait, Dragon Mother Danielis (EmiliaClarke) led her unparalleled legion along the way, liberating countless slaves, on the one hand, and on the other side Can Dennilis finally realize her dream of restoration? In the forest, Bran (Isaac Hups Dedd-White Isaachempstead-Wright) and the group have to face it in addition to the cold and hunger, as well as a heavy tracking from the horror castle. On the other side, the little Ali Ya (Maisiewilliams) under the protection of the hound (RORYMCCANN) has grown up for the female man who can be able to take it alone. What kind of danger will happen in their journey? In this season, although the bad people are still prestigious, as the propaganda says, good people are coming back! Episode 1 of the Diversity Plot Episode 1 once again enter Own Berren into Junlin City. The vast historical scrolls are still continuing, and the Mattel family has appeared on the stage of history. Tyrion met the messenger rushed to this industry and showed his identity. Tyrion asked why Prince Don had not arrived, and the other party said that Prince Owan came to the inconvenience of his body. Tilion was very anxious, thinking that he should be found before the killing of Prince Ourom. At this time, Prince Owan was looking for joy in a group of women in the room, and even a young man was playing together. But Prince Ourma's joy was interrupted, and the smell of the Lannister family came outside. After Own came out, the atmosphere of the two sides opened his atmosphere. The Don people watched the Lannister very unhappy, and so did the other party. As a result, Tilion came in at this time and expressed his welcome. Owbn introduced her mistress Eralia and Titaon. Ti Lyon asked to talk to Own alone, and as a result, Obo said that he would find a way to recover the old hatred of his family. Cali Xi has always wanted to tame the dragon, but it was very difficult. Sir Baliistan helped Cali Xi in charge of the army, but the gray bug gambling was discovered by Calixi. Their gambling prizes were the glory of the attendant with Calixi, and Carixi was very helpless. Tyrion's wife was unwilling to eat, and Tilion could only walk over to comfort the other party, saying that he would find a way to help the other party. The Cyan's army began a new round of interrogation. Broken Gollin was killed, which caused thisThe Cavalry Jon was forced to interrogate. But he said directly the tension of the current situation, and said that the Mans' army was already on the way to kill, asking himself to let himself go. Jon was eventually released. Margaret is about to host her wedding, and her grandma is looking for her jewelry for her. At this time, Brenney came to the old lady's room. What she didn't expect was that the old lady was very courteous to the woman who defeated her grandson. Cali Xi's men gave her a blue rose, and advised her to understand the people and plants on the land and the local customs. Cali Xi accepted the rose. Sir Donos found the little daughter of the Hrald family and gave her her necklace. The glory jazz has now become a drunkard. Episode 2 Joe Li was poisoned by the poison of Rams and Miranda to kill Ai Ju at the wedding. Ai Ju was shot into the leg by Miranda's arrows and was torn by a hunting dog. James ate with Titan, because he was cut off by Rams, James was very sad. Ti Lyon advised him to exercise his left hand and let him practice his sword with Bonon. Lus took his wife back to the terror, and Rams was anxious to prove his strength with Lus. Rams cut Simon, Lush was very angry, and satirized that Rams was just his illegitimate child, but made a decision for himself. Rams asked Simon to scrape himself in front of Lus, and ridiculed Simon's brothers to die. Simon didn't say anything and continued to help Lams scrape that Lus was a little surprised. Waris said to Tilion's ventilation letter that the prostitute Xuey, who was infected with Tilion, was discovered by her sister Cersei. Cersei also told his father Tenwin that Xuey would be suspended, Varis persuaded Ti Lyon quickly sent Xuey. Joery will have a wedding with Margaret. Cersei saw Xuey of the Duanpan, and told Tenwin. Typewen gave Jofoli a sword. Tyrion asked Xuey, and said that the two would not meet again in the future, and asked Polon to send Xuey to Pantos. Merrisanzhuo burned Queen's brother's brother, but the queen was happy to be accepted by the King of Light. Bran entered the summer body and enjoyed the happiness of the wolf predation. Ado woke him up, and Jian Jian advised him not to stay in the wolf's body for too long. When Bran saw a heart tree, when he touched the tree, Bran saw his destination and told his partners. The wedding between Joffri and Margaret was held as scheduled. At the wedding banquet, the band invited by Joe Li was singing. However, he was not satisfied and took a gold coin and threw them on them. Margaret announced at the wedding banquet that all foods will be given to the poorest people in the country, and everyone appreciates this approach. Cersei thanks to Jamen for saving James. Brey said it should be James to save herself, and Cersei said she knew that Brey liked James. Joe Li invited five dwarfs to play the battle of the five kings. Laughing the audience, Joe Li's humiliated Tilion should also play. Tilion said that Joe Fori should be played. Pour the wine on Tylon's head, and let Ti Lyon pour himself. At this time, the giant was sent, and Tilion and Sansa, who were planning to go, were called by Joeyli, and Jofoli askedTyrion continued to pour himself, but after drinking a bite, he died of bleeding.Cersei determined that Ti Lyon poisoned in the wine and killed Joverli.Evaluation: Episode 9 is really full of impact.The dragon mother is getting more and more domineering, and the wolf family is temporarily slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly.EP01: Don't want to move my fried chicken, whoever fucks, don't think about EP02: Congratulations to the upper position of the watermelon shredded in the Reyk Jaca Kayt soil.Is this the plot of the fucking plot? No one cares about it. EP07 has been alarm: The blank and struggle of the original book is Mary Su EP08: The actor who entered my spring dream died again:) EP10: Lide and Beauty's line troublesWhat is it!There are also good Shi Xin and Jin shit!

电视剧电影《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏 第四季》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载







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