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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《女娲传说之灵珠》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《女娲传说之灵珠》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


美丽的天池湖畔,一位清新脱俗的少女,正在期待心上人的到来。谁知姗姗来迟的他却突然偷袭,将少女打成重伤  丁瑶再次从噩梦中惊醒。这怪梦已经缠绕了她二十年。每当她试图想看清那个击伤她的人时,她就会猛然醒来。  因为好奇,丁瑶转动了父亲考古时带回来的古代南越国至尊之宝九星轮。不料九星轮突然发出异彩,霎那间天昏地暗、风云变色、电闪雷鸣,形成强大的气流,将丁瑶卷入超时空漩涡中。  丁瑶醒来的时候,发现自己置身古洞!身旁有一个被铁链锁着的英俊少年。丁瑶还未弄清楚发生了什么事,就被冲进来的守洞士兵抓获!  丁瑶这才明白自己转动了九星轮,进入和时光隧道,回到三千年前的南越国,南越国大祭祀腾蛇(魔音)以擅闯皇家禁地之罪要将她处死,危急时刻,南越王荣狄赶到  盘古开天、洪荒伊始。大地之母女娲黏土造人、繁衍后代、造福人间!谁知火神祝融与水神共工争斗,共工头撞不周山,使得天体倾斜,三界大乱,妖孽趁机横行无忌,危害人间。  上古四大神兽青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武各霸一方,逞凶作乱。四大神兽秉性各异,龙族高傲、白虎卤莽、玄武阴毒、唯朱雀最为残忍,每日要吃人度日!共工氏头撞不周山,三界混乱,朱雀趁机煽动三大神兽联手祸害人间。女娲用补天遗留的十二块五彩石铸造镇妖瓶,并在另外四只灵兽麒麟、白矖、腾蛇、白泽(独角兽)的帮助下,战败以朱雀为首的四大神兽,除白虎、斩玄武、降朱雀、收服龙族!终使人间恢复和平。女娲功德圆满,由白矖、腾蛇两大护法接引上天,被尊为上古第一大神!  获封神位的朱雀神君心存不甘,自封幽冥鬼帝,再度为祸人间。世人在享受短暂太平后,各部落首领亦欲望膨胀,为争夺利益互相杀戮女娲遂派两大护法白矖、腾蛇下凡寻宝除妖、拯救人间。白矖(仙乐)与腾蛇(魔音)因为除妖有功,得到万民爱戴;任务完成后,白矖(仙乐)留恋人间的美景,不愿再返天庭,于是白矖(仙乐)留在了美丽的南越国,成为南越国的女祭祀,她与师妹腾蛇(魔音)一起降妖布道,拯救苍生造福社稷;恩泽一方,使人间出现一片安宁!  南越王朝历尽数代不衰,全仗白矖(仙乐)、腾蛇(魔音)全力辅佐。却不料,新一任南越王荣狄继位,参拜圣庙时偶然目睹白矖(仙乐)真容,惊为天人,欲纳为后,白矖(仙乐)为避荣狄纠缠,将大祭祀之位传给腾蛇(魔音),自己躲入南越古洞,再不踏入尘世一步  虽说如此,荣狄并没有忘却白矖(仙乐)。他对白矖(仙乐)的爱恋,点燃了腾蛇(魔音)内心的嫉妒之火,因为她深深的爱着荣狄。可是荣狄的忽视让她失去理智,开始了不择手段报复之旅。她痛恨白矖(仙乐),她发誓,自己得不到的幸福,白矖(仙乐)也不能够得到。当她发现古洞中的问天和白矖(仙乐)互相爱慕,诡计悄然入心  半人半龙的半妖问天潜入南越古洞,欲抢夺镇妖瓶,利用镇妖瓶的法力使自己能存于三界之间!白矖(仙乐)追了问天三天三夜,二人从争斗到爱慕,情愫骤生白矖(仙乐)第一次尝到了爱情的甜蜜!于是她愿意放弃神籍,然后和问天归隐山林;问天也愿意为了白矖(仙乐)化去龙鳞变成人,自此长相厮守二人相约天池湖畔相会!  白矖(仙乐)手捧镇妖瓶在天池岸边等待问天,不料随后赶来的问天突然出手偷袭,将白矖(仙乐)打成重伤,夺走镇妖瓶  问天利用镇妖瓶大开杀戒,南越国生灵涂炭,荣狄率兵决战问天不敌,危急中白矖(仙乐)带伤赶到,悲愤的白矖(仙乐)一箭封印了问天!白矖(仙乐)临终前叮嘱荣狄,自己死后务必将镇妖瓶毁灭言罢,白矖(仙乐)含恨而终!  女娲娘娘见白矖为情所困,未能完成她交付的寻宝除妖的任务,于是将她的魂魄托转到三千年后的少女丁瑶身上。丁瑶机缘巧合穿越时空,回到了三千年前的南越古洞  荣狄望着丁瑶,惊叹天下还有与白矖(仙乐)如此相似的女人?他断定丁瑶是白矖(仙乐)转世,为了弥补多年的亏欠,他立即下旨强娶丁瑶为后  是夜,丁瑶溜出皇宫,准备回到古洞,转动九星轮回自己的时代!突然半路遇到妖怪,向她索取镇妖瓶。丁瑶立即仓皇逃命,群魔紧追不舍慌乱中,丁瑶逃入南越古洞,揭去白矖(仙乐)的封印问天复活  问天愤怒质问丁瑶为什么要杀他?丁瑶莫名其妙,等搞清楚后才知道他也错认了自己是白矖(仙乐),连忙解释,消除误会!问天不听,感情的背叛与二十年的封印,令他狂性大发,丁瑶立即转身逃命,危难中,佩带在胸前的镇妖瓶护身符发出五色神光逼退问天。  镇妖瓶再度显现,三界大乱,各路妖魔鬼怪前来争夺。混战之中,丁瑶失手将镇妖瓶打碎,化为十二颗灵珠,散落人间!  丁瑶为了寻回十二颗灵珠,重铸镇妖瓶,暂时放弃了回家的念头;而问天也想查明他和白矖(仙乐)被什么人阴谋陷害,导致互相残杀?于是,问天自告奋勇保护丁瑶去寻找灵珠  自此,展开了寻珠之旅:龙族大殿下无道,因怨恨父亲与凡人生下半人半龙的问天,玷污龙族血统,与同父异母的兄弟问天,水火难容,誓要将问天赶尽杀绝。  在机缘巧合下白矖(仙乐)复活。问天面对三千年前的旧爱,与三千年后的新欢,不知该如何抉择?而南越王荣狄得知白矖(仙乐)复活,甘愿为其放弃王权,惹得深爱荣狄的大祭祀腾蛇(魔音)万分恼怒,被嫉妒冲昏头脑的她沦入魔道,不能自拔。  朱雀神君(时幽冥)为争夺灵珠,将世代守护女娲陵墓的慕莲家族杀绝、慕莲复仇途中与逃婚的蜀国公主雨蝶相遇,结为姐妹,两人又同时爱上了问天的同父异母哥哥无道,无奈无道贵为龙族殿下,是不可能对人类动感情的!为了无道,慕莲、雨蝶两姐妹最终反目,慕莲加入丁瑶、问天的寻珠之旅;而雨蝶则站在无道一边,随他四处追杀问天!  问天、丁瑶历尽千辛万苦,终于查明当年天池湖畔的真相原来幕后的始作俑者就是朱雀神君(时幽冥),是他和师妹腾蛇(魔音)狼狈为奸,致使自己和问天大打出手。而此时,朱雀神君(时幽冥)已经集齐十二颗灵珠,准备用问天、无道父亲苍龙的龙骨架火,重炼镇妖瓶!  为拯救三界、为报仇雪恨,问天与无道兄弟二人暂时放弃仇怨,联同白矖(仙乐)与人族,集结各路大军齐聚天山决战朱雀神君(时幽冥)。到底陷害问天和白矖(仙乐),使两个相爱的人自相残杀的幕后真凶是朱雀神君(时幽冥),还是另有其人?  面对一个穿梭时空、跨越千年的爱人,问天将如何选择?至高无上的龙族无道,面对温柔的慕莲和刁蛮的雨蝶两段爱情,到底他会如何抉择?腾蛇(魔音)沦为魔道,为了得到荣狄王的爱情,她又将做出怎样疯狂的事情?



On the shore of the beautiful Tianchi Lake, a fresh and refined girl is looking forward to the arrival of the people. Who knew that he suddenly attacked, and woke up the girl into a serious injury to Ding Yao again from the nightmare. This strange dream has been wrapped around her for twenty years. Whenever she tried to see the person who hurt her, she woke up suddenly. Because of curiosity, Ding Yao turned the nine star wheels of the ancient South Vietnamese Supreme Treasure brought back when his father was archeological. Unexpectedly, the Jiuxing Wheel suddenly emitted a strange color, and the dullness of the sky, the turmoil, the color of the clouds, and the lightning thunderous, forming a powerful airflow, involved Ding Yao into the time and space vortex. When Ding Yao woke up, he found that he was in an ancient hole! There is a handsome teenager locked by the iron chain. Before Ding Yao had figured out what was happening, he was captured by the Shoudong soldiers who came in! Only then did Ding Yao understand that he had turned the Jiuxing Wheel and entered the Time Tunnel. Back to the South Vietnam State 3,000 years ago, the South Vietnamese University sacrificed the Teng Snake (Magic Sound) to execute her with the crime of running into the Royal Forbidden City. Wang Rongdi rushed to Pangu Kaitian and Honghuang. The mother -in -law of the earth creates a clay, breeding offspring, and benefiting the world! Who knows that Vulcan Zhu Rong and Water Gods fight together, and the co -workers hit the mountains, making the celestial bodies tilt, the Three Realms are chaotic, and the evils take the opportunity to run rampant and endanger the world. The four ancient beasts of ancient beasts, green dragons, white tigers, Suzaku, and basalt each dominated, and they were fierce. The four gods and beasts are different. The proud of the dragon, the white tiger, the poison of the basalt, and the Suzaku are the most cruel. The Gonggong's head hit Zhou Shan, and the Three Realms were chaotic. Suzaku took the opportunity to incite the three major beasts to join forces to harm the world. The son -in -law used the twelve colorful stone stone casting town monster bottle left by the complement of the sky, and with the help of the other four spirit beasts Kirin, Bai Yan, Teng Snake, and Bai Ze (unicorn), the four major major in Suzaku led by Suzaku God beasts, in addition to white tigers, chop Xuanwu, descending Suzaku, conquered Dragon family! Eventually recovery the world. The son -in -law is fulfilled. It is attracted to the sky by the two major protection methods of Bai Yan and Teng Snake. The prince of Suzaku, who won the throne, was unwilling, and the ghost of the ghosts was once again in trouble. After the world enjoys a brief Taiping, the tribal leaders also desire to swell, and to fight each other to kill each other, the son -in -law, then sent two major law -protecting white crickets, treated treasures under the snake, and saving the world. Bai Yan (Xianle) and Teng Snake (Magic) have been loved by the people because of their merits. After the task is completed, Bai Yan (Xianle) is not willing to return to heaven again, so Bai Yan (Xianle) After staying in the beautiful South Vietnamese country, she became a female sacrifice of the South Vietnamese country. She and her sister Teng Snake (Magic Sound) descended the demon and saved Cangsheng to benefit the society. The southern Vietnamese dynasty endlessly, the whole battle of Bai Yan (Xianle) and Teng Snake (Demon) fully assisted. Unexpectedly, the new Nanyue Wang Rongdi succeeded in the throne. When he worshiped the Holy Temple, he accidentally witnessed Bai Yan (Xianle) Zhen Rong, and was shocked to be heaven. The position of the sacrifice was passed on to Teng Snake (Magic Sound), hiding in the ancient cave of South Vietnam, and no longer stepped into the world. Although this is the case, Rongdi did not forget Bai Yan (Xianle). His love for Bai Yan (Xianle) ignited the jealousy of Teng Snake (Magic)The fire, because she deeply loves Rongdi. However, Rongdi's neglect made her lose her mind and began a journey of revenge. She hated Bai Yan (Xianle), and she vowed that the happiness she could not get, Bai Yan (Xianle) could not get it. When she found that the Qi Tian and Bai Yan (Xianle) in the ancient cave admired each other, and the tricks quietly entered the half -man and half -dragon, the half -dragon asked the sky to sneak into the ancient cave of South Vietnam, want to snatch the town demon bottle, and use the mana of the town monster bottle to make herself able Stove between the Three Realms! Bai Yan (Xianle) chased after three days and three nights. From the battle to admiration, the love suddenly gave birth to the sweetness of love! So she was willing to give up the gods and then returned to the mountain forest with the heaven; when he asked the heaven, he was willing to turn the dragon scale to become a man for the sake of Bai Yan (Xianle). Bai Yan (Xianle) held the demon bottle on the shore of Tianchi and waited for the sky. Unexpectedly, the question that he came later suddenly took a sneak attack, and the white 矖 (Xianle) was seriously injured. The demon bottle opened the killing ring, the southern Vietnamese national spirit was coated with charcoal, and Rongdi led the soldiers to ask the heavens to defeat the heavens. Before the end of his death, Bai Yan (Xianle) told Rongdi that after his death, he must destroy the demon bottle of the town. When the son -in -law was trapped in the love, she failed to complete her treasure hunting and demons, so she held her soul to the girl Ding Yao three thousand years later. Ding Yao's fate coincides through time and space, and returned to the ancient cave of South Vietnam three thousand years ago. He concluded that Ding Yao was the reincarnation of Bai Yan (Xianle). In order to make up for many years of debts, he immediately described himself to marry Ding Yao as the night. Ding Yao slipped out of the palace and was ready to return to the ancient cave and rotate the era of Jiuxing's reincarnation! Suddenly, when she met a monster halfway, she asked her to take the monster bottle. Ding Yao immediately fled, and the devil followed in a panic. Ding Yao escaped into the ancient cave of South Vietnam and revealed the seal of Bai Yan (Xianle) and asked the sky to ask Ding Yao why he would kill him? Ding Yao was inexplicable. After he figured it out, he knew that he also confessed that he was Bai Yan (Xianle), and quickly explained to eliminate misunderstandings! Asked heavenly, the betrayal of feelings and the seal of the twenty years made him madly. Ding Yao immediately turned to escape. In the crisis, the town demon bottle amulet on his chest sent five -colored light to ask the sky. The town demon bottle appeared again, the Three Realms were in chaos, and the monsters and monsters from all walks of life came to compete. During the melee, Ding Yao broke the town monster bottle and turned into twelve spiritual beads, scattered on earth! In order to retrieve the twelve spiritual beads, Ding Yao remodeled the monster bottle of the town, and temporarily gave up the idea of \u200b\u200breturning home; and asked Tian to find out who he and Bai Yan (Xianle) were conspired by conspiracy, causing each other to kill each other? So, I asked Tian sincerely to protect Ding Yao to find Lingzhu since then, and started a journey to find the pearl: His Royal Highness Dragon has no way, because he resents his father and all the half -dragons of all his life, the dragon bloodline, and the same father The mother's brother asked the sky, and the water and fire were unable to stand, and they vowed to kill the sky. By chance, Bai Yan (Xianle) resurrected. Ask the sky to face the old love of three thousand years ago, and the threeI do n’t know how to choose a thousand years later? And the South Vietnamese Wang Rongdi learned that Bai Yan (Xianle) was resurrected, willing to give up the kingship for him, causing the big sacrifice (magic sound) who loved Rongdi (the magic sound) was very angry. She was jealous and fainted. Can't extricate yourself. Suzaku God (Shi Gong underworld) In order to compete for the beads, the Mulian family who had guarded the tombs of the son -in -law from generation to the Mu Lian family, and met the escape of the escape of the Shu Kingdom of the Shu country during the revenge of Mu Lian, became sisters. The same father and mother of the sky have no way, but the helplessness is the His Royal Highness of the Dragon. It is impossible to feel emotional to humans! In order to have no way, Mulian and Yu butterfly sisters finally looked at each other. Mu Lian joined Ding Yao and asked about the tour of the beads; Yu Die stood on the side of the Wudao, chasing and asking heaven with him! Ask the sky and Ding Yao, and finally found out that the truth behind the scene behind the scene of Tianchi Lake was Suzaku God (Shi Gong underworld), which was a gangster with his sister Teng Snake (magic sound). Essence At this time, Suzaku God (Shimei) has gathered twelve spiritual beads. It is prepared to use the dragon bones of the sky and Wu Dao's father Canglong to re -refine the demon bottle! In order to save the Three Realms and hate it for revenge, I asked the two brothers and Wu Dao brothers to temporarily give up their resentment. They together with Bai Yan (Xianle) and the human race, gathered the army of various troops to gather Tianshan to fight Suzaku (Shi Gong underworld). In the end, he framed heaven and Bai Yan (Xianle), so that the true murderer behind the scenes of the two people who love each other is the true murderer behind the scenes of the Suzaku (Shimei) or another person? Faced with a lover who shuttled time and space and spanned for thousands of years, what would he choose to choose? The supreme Long tribe has no way, facing the gentle Mulian and the tricky rain butterfly, how will he choose? Teng Snake (Magic Sound) has become a magic way. In order to get the love of King Rongdi, what kind of crazy thing will she do?








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