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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《江山风雨情》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《江山风雨情》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


《江山风雨情》是由著名导演陈家林何显达导演的于2003年大陆地区上映的一部剧情,历史类型的国产剧,由李强唐国强陈道明陈宝国王刚邓超牛莉周杰主演,该片主要讲述了 明朝天启末年,朝廷暗藏着一场宫变,天启皇帝病危待亡,却无子嗣继位,唯一的骨肉便是皇弟朱由检。大内总管魏忠贤阴谋用宫女的婴儿冒充太子承继大统,以保住阉党的荣华富贵。不料,那宫女却生下一个女婴。这时,已被驱逐出京的朱由检被锦衣卫捕回宫中,以为自己将被殉葬,万没料到竟继位成为崇祯皇帝。而宫女带着女婴逃至扬州,起名陈圆圆。  陈圆圆一日当中被卖了三次,落入妓院学艺。长成后,成了名满天下的歌妓。  崇祯即位后,立志中兴大明。然而朝廷始终内忧与外患。内忧是由于天灾全国饥民过半,中原一带以高迎祥、李自成为首的农民军蜂起;外患是关外的后金叛军压境,皇太极登基开国虎视关内。崇祯始终处于巨大的危机中,苦心竭虑地试图挽救大明。  陈圆圆被大太监王承恩选入宫中侍驾,她屡屡抗拒崇祯“圣宠”,却爱上了吴三桂。  中原农民军被朝廷官军围困在车厢峡,即将全军覆没。正当崇祯调兵将想一举全歼时,皇太极挥师南侵,兵临京城。万急时,崇祯坚持拒和迎战,率军民击退了皇太极,但中原义军又逃出生天,再度恢复生机。  崇祯把坚持“谋和”的蓟辽总督袁崇焕凌迟处死,让吴三桂升任宁远主将,为笼络其心,将陈圆圆赏赐给他,让他们奉旨成婚,婚后三天,吴三桂北赴边关,陈圆圆重返宫廷沦为人质。  高迎祥、李自成攻克凤阳,张献忠掘皇陵,大胜之时农民军内部发生了分歧……崇祯得知凤阳皇陵被毁,痛彻心肺,不食荤腥,孝衣理政。他迅即用全国力量来剿杀农民军,闯王高迎祥被捕,押送京城处死,张献忠也投降了官军,李自成继承了闯王之位。  后金日渐强胜,已完成了入关南侵的所有准备,就在出兵前夕,皇太极却发脑中风而亡,后金宫廷也随之陷入了夺位之争。勤政殿上亲王多尔衮与皇长子豪格领着各自的旗主横刀相向,万急时刻,庄妃在降臣洪承畴的指点下趁势将小皇子福临推上了皇位,是为顺治帝,而多尔衮成为摄政王,后金复归稳定。而庄妃为了福临的安危与后金未来,也屈身侍奉多尔衮。  李自成为闯王后率农民军席卷全国,迅速逼近京城……  崇祯拒绝迁都,决心守城应战到底,但这时人心尽丧,兵无斗志,臣子如鸟兽散。破城前夕,崇祯杀死亲生骨肉,自尽于煤山,大难中,陈圆圆救下三岁的小皇子。李自成进京后,开国大顺,登基为帝并搜捕小皇子,同时他极力拉拢驻守在山海关的吴三桂,同时,关外的多尔衮也在劝降吴三桂。  李自成的部将刘宗敏爱上了陈圆圆,强行住进吴府。  吴三桂终于决定“归汉不归夷”率军归降李自成,但在进京路上遇见管家,惊闻父亲被义军杀死,爱妾被刘宗敏强占……吴三桂怒发冲冠,立刻调头返回山海关。关前吴三桂又遇见亲自来劝降的庄妃与洪承畴,同意“顺清”,并借清兵剿灭大顺军,以图光复大明。  多尔衮为利用吴三桂,封其为平西王,并与他杀马为誓,将八旗军全交给他指挥。  京郊,清军、吴三桂的骑兵合击大顺军,李自成兵败,只得匆匆退出北京,临行前,刘宗敏不舍陈圆圆,强行带走了她,吴三桂大胜,但他想进京与陈圆圆相会时,却发现整个京城都住满了八旗军,多尔衮甚至不准吴三桂进城祭奠崇祯与家父,严令他继续追杀大顺军。吴三桂只得在城外遥遥拜祭,之后立刻统兵追杀残余的大顺兵,同时寻救陈圆圆。  山野,吴三桂与负伤的刘宗敏决斗,陈圆圆牵着小皇子奔来,试图阻止,但苦劝无效,她眼见着吴三桂杀死了善良的刘宗敏。……也就这时,李自成也在深山力战而亡,京城里小顺治被迎上了太和殿,满清占领了天下。吴三桂与陈圆圆破镜重圆了。  首先,多尔衮“以汉剿汉”令吴三桂南下追剿大明残余。在进兵路上,天下百姓都在唾骂吴三桂与陈圆圆,认为这一对痴男怨女是祸水,祸国殃民导致了大明灭亡,这时吴三桂倍感痛苦与悲愤……  接着,多尔衮在全国范围内搜杀“朱三太子”,而这个小皇子正依偎在陈圆圆怀抱中,相互之间已亲如姐弟……最令吴三桂痛苦的是,这时的陈圆圆突然怀孕了,吴三桂搞不清陈圆圆肚里孩子是自己的?崇祯的?还是刘宗敏的?……甚至连陈圆圆也搞不清。吴三桂觉得自己作为一个男子汉,忍受着天下最大屈辱!当满清密使要进军营搜查朱三太子时,吴三桂为了避免灾难缠身,当着陈圆圆的面,竟然愤恨的摔死那个三岁的小皇子!……剧痛之下,陈圆圆晕倒。  黎明时,吴三桂命令拔营南下,当他走进陈圆圆帐中时,只看见一把扯断银弦的琵琶,从此陈圆圆不知所终……  至此,崇祯年间大明、满清、大顺三方,改朝换代中的风云人物,流入历史长河……



\"Jiangshan Wind and Rain Love\" is a plot released by the famous director Chen Jialin He Xianda in 2003. The historical domestic drama is starring Li Qiang Tang Guoqiang Chen Dao Ming Chen Bao and King Deng Chao Zhou Jie. The film mainly tells about it. In the end of the Ming Dynasty, the court hidden a palace change. The emperor of the Apocalypse was in danger, but he had no children to succeed. The only flesh was the emperor Zhu Youjian. The Da Nei Director Wei Zhongxian conspired to use the palace girl's baby to impersonate the prince to inherit the uniform to keep the glory and wealth of the party. Unexpectedly, the maid gave birth to a baby girl. At this time, Zhu Youjian, who had been expelled from Beijing, was arrested in the palace by Jin Yiwei, thinking that he would be buried, and he had never expected that he would become the Emperor Chongzhen. The palace girl fled to Yangzhou with her baby girl and named Chen Yuanyuan. Chen Yuanyuan was sold three times a day and fell into a brothel to learn art. After growing up, it became a world -renowned singing prostitute. After Chongzhen ascended the throne, he determined to be ZTE Daming. However, the court has always been internal and external. Internal worries are due to the number of hungry people in the country, and the Central Plains area starts with Gao Yingxiang and Li Zi, who became the first peasant bee; the external affected was the backbone of the Golden Rebel Army outside the Guan, and the emperor Tai Chi was in the tiger in the tiger. Chongzhen was always in a huge crisis, and tried to save Daming. Chen Yuanyuan was selected by the eunuch Wang Chengen into the palace to serve. She repeatedly resisted Chongzhen's \"holy favorite\", but fell in love with Wu Sangui. The Central Plains Farmers' Army was besieged by the court officials in the carriage gorge, and the whole army was about to be covered. Just when Chongzhen's soldiers will want to wipe out all the time, Huang Taiji invades south, and the soldiers are in Beijing. In the rush, Chongzhen insisted on refusing and facing, and led the army to repel the Emperor Taiji, but the Central Plains Righteous Army escaped the birth day and resumed vitality again. Chongzhen executed the Governor of Ji Liao, who insisted on \"conspiracy and\", to death, and let Wu Sangui be promoted to Ning Yuan's general. In order to cover his heart, he gave him Chen Yuanyuan and asked them to marry. Three days after marriage, Wu Sangui went north to the border. Chen Yuanyuan returned to return. The court became a hostage. Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng captured Fengyang, Zhang Xianzhong diged the emperor's tomb. Different from the peasant army during the victory ... Chongzhen learned that the Fengyang Emperor's Mausoleum was destroyed, painful heart and lungs, not eating fishy, \u200b\u200bfilial piety. He immediately used the national power to kill the peasant army. He was arrested by the king Gao Yingxiang and was escorted to the capital to execute. Zhang Xianzhong also surrendered the official army. Li Zicheng inherited the position of the king. Later Jin became stronger, and all the preparations for the invasion of entering the Guannan had been completed. On the eve of sending the troops, Huang Taiji died of stroke, and the later Golden Palace also fell into a dispute over the throne. Prince Doru on the Qinzheng Hall and the emperor Haoge lead their own flag owners. At a hurry, Zhuang Fei pushed the little prince Fulin to the throne under the guidance of Hong Chengchou. And Dole became the regent, and later Jin Fu returned to stability. Zhuang Fei also defeated Dole for the safety of Fulin and the future of Fulin. Li Zi became the queen to lead the peasant army to sweep the country and quickly approach the capital ... Chongzhen refused to move the capital and was determined to defend the city to fight to the end. On the eve of breaking the city, Chongzhen killed his biological flesh and committed himself in the coal mountain. In the difficulties, Chen Yuanyuan rescued the three -year -old prince. After Li Zicheng entered Beijing, he founded the country, ascending the throne to the emperor and searched the little princeAt the same time, he tried to draw Wu Sangui, who was stationed in Shanhaiguan, and at the same time, Doru, a outside of the Guan, was also persuading Wu Sangui. Li Zicheng's ministry fell in love with Chen Yuanyuan and forcibly lived in Wufu. Wu Sangui finally decided that \"returning to Han and not returning to Yi\" led the army to return to Li Zicheng, but met the housekeeper on the road of entering Beijing. He was surprised that his father was killed by the righteous army, and loved by Liu Zongmin ... Wu Sangui rushed back to Shanhaiguan. Wu Sangui, Wu Sangui, met Zhuang Fei and Hong Chengchou who came to persuade himself, agreed to \"Shunqing\", and used the Qing soldiers to destroy the Da Shun army in order to restore Da Ming. In order to use Wu Sangui, Doru sealed him as the king of Pingxi, and killed him with him, and gave him all the Eight Banners Army to command. In the suburbs of Beijing, the Qing army and Wu Sangui's cavalry combined the Dalang army. Li Zicheng soldiers had to quit Beijing in a hurry. Before leaving, Liu Zongmin reluctantly took away her. Wu Sangui won the victory, but he wanted to enter Beijing and Chen Yuanyuan. At the meeting, he found that the entire capital was full of eight flags. Dole was not allowed to enter the city to commemorate Chongzhen and his father, and strictly ordered him to continue chasing the Da Shun army. Wu Sangui had to worship outside the city, and then immediately chased the soldiers to kill the remaining Dasun soldiers, while looking for Chen Yuanyuan. Shanye, Wu Sangui and the injured Liu Zongmin duel, Chen Yuanyuan led the little prince and tried to stop, but the persuasion was invalid. She saw Wu Sangui killing the kind Liu Zongmin. ... At this time, Li Zicheng also died in the mountains, and Xiaoshi was welcomed to the Taihe Hall in Beijing, and Manqing occupied the world. Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan broke the mirror. First of all, Dole's \"Han and Han and Han\" made Wu Sangui go south to chase Daming's residue. On the road of entering the army, the people in the world were scolding Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan, thinking that this pair of men and women were scouring, and the country and the people were killed. The three princes, and this little prince is snuggling in Chen Yuanyuan's arms, and he is as pro -sisters and siblings with each other ... The most painful thing that makes Wu Sangui is suddenly pregnant. of? Chongzhen? Or Liu Zongmin? ... even Chen Yuanyuan couldn't figure out. Wu Sangui felt that as a man, he endured the greatest humiliation of the world! When Man Qingmi wanted to enter the camp to search for Prince Zhu San, in order to avoid disasters, Wu Sangui actually hated the three -year -old prince in front of Chen Yuanyuan! ... In the pain, Chen Yuanyuan fainted. During the dawn, Wu Sangui ordered the camp to go south. When he walked into Chen Yuanyuan's account, he only saw a pipa that had broken the silver string. From then on, Chen Yuanyuan did not know what he was. At this point, the Chongzhen period Da Ming, Manchun, and Dushun changed the dynasties to change the dynasties. The characters of the wind and clouds flow into the historical long river ...







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