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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《当爱已成往事》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《当爱已成往事》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


《当爱已成往事》通过三男四女的爱情故事和生活经历,记述了80年代初至2000年前改革开放头二十年的生活片断,展现了光荣与梦想、阴谋与爱情这一永恒的主题。八十年代卫国海训和高明从小就在城墙上面玩耍,看外面的世界,渡过了他们童年中最后的幸福时光,直到某一天马飞杜丽这一对表姐妹的出现,从此改变了他们的命运。卫国从小的理想是在舞台上唱自己的歌。高中毕业时,卫国和北京来的会吹长笛的马飞暗生情愫,遭到马飞母亲的反对。大学期间,为了组建乐队,卫国被骗而卷入一场经济案件并因此丢了学籍。之后,卫国报考歌舞团,马飞母亲(团长)以录取作为条件让卫国离开马,卫国毅然放弃了歌舞团。与此同时,商人李治平拚命追求马飞,虽屡遭拒绝却始终锲而不舍。海训高明同时爱上了杜丽,杜丽选择了海训。海训当兵后,高明编造海训和护士章卉的恋情,致使杜丽一气之下服了安眠药。与此同时,海训三个月的新兵连结束,因为没有直达车,海训借辆摩托车三十小时往返千里回来看杜丽。面对昏迷中的杜丽,海训泪流满面,把身上仅有的(杜丽给他的)手表留在杜丽枕边,五分钟后就又踏上回队部的征程,第二天赶到兵营时部队正在集结,海训两眼一黑一头栽倒。很多年以后,在海训的记忆中一直保留着一件列宁装和那个秋天般绚丽的笑脸。高明从小立志考大学改变命运,但在拿到录取通知后却因家境困难不得放弃而顶职当了一名工人。妹妹高兰跟赵永录(卫国生父)从收集废品起家,逐渐发展成为商人。高兰从小喜欢卫国,马飞的出现让她含泪离开南京去广州发展。一次偶然事件,赵永录和卫国成了忘年交,并对卫国在音乐创作方面起了重要的作用。赵永录和卫国母亲年青时是一对恋人,在非凡的年代失散后卫国妈怀上了卫国,走投无路的情况下卫国的养父接受了她并对卫国视如己出。当卫国和父亲得知赵永录和卫国妈过去的经历后反映各异。养父经历了挣扎后毅然和卫国妈离婚以使他们夫妻父子团聚,赵永录虽然深爱卫国妈但却不愿夺人所爱而拒绝。卫国从此离开了赵永录。但在赵永录因病生命即将走到尽头时,卫国终于感悟到人生无常,于是来到病床前为他送终。九十年代初卫国终于组建了自己的乐队,却一直奔波于各酒吧之间演出,生活窘迫。马飞大学毕业后在小学当音乐老师,因为母亲反对,只能和卫国暗中来往。李治平虽屡遭拒绝却始终追随马飞左右。杜丽当了一名医生,她至今不知当年海训曾回来过。高明一直对她有求必应,得到杜家的认可。其间,卫国和高明合做了一笔生意,最终却被高明独吞而得到一个酒吧。之后,高明和李治平共同经营酒吧,李治平随即请马飞来酒吧吹长笛。一次缉毒中,海训因抢救战友被炸坏了眼睛而回到故地治疗,特护正是章卉,海训因无颜面对故人从此冒名王军。章卉生病期间杜丽来医院实习并顶替章卉照顾海训,始终没认出(蒙着双眼的)王军就是海训,王军更不敢以真面目出现。一次,王军在得知高明是杜丽男朋友时因反映激动引起了杜丽的怀疑,王军就骗她说海训已经牺牲,从此杜丽大病一场。某天,杜丽在家中意外发现了她送给海训的手表(海训当年留在她枕边),卫国这才说出当年海训三十小时奔袭千里的故事,杜丽痛不欲生,不久就嫁给了高明。闻知章卉和(瞎子)王军的婚讯,杜丽立即感觉王军就是海训。当她终于找到海训时两人忍不住拥抱在一起,不料被高明看个正着。从此,高明夫妻分床而睡,高明成天在喝酒和小姐鬼混。卫国和海训相见后一时百感交集。乐队苦于支撑的情况下,李治平送来一份条件优厚的合同,条件是交换马飞,卫国断然拒绝。当晚,卫国醉倒路边,被事业有成回来探亲的高兰带回酒店,卫国误以为是马飞,遂和她成就了秦晋之好,第二天醒来时后悔不已。不久后高兰发现自己怀孕了,于是偷偷回到广州生下了她和卫国的小孩。马飞一气之下预备和李治平出国,但就在起飞前一刻卫国赶到,四目相对泪流满面,马飞终于放弃了出国,但二人的关系再难回到从前。李治平乘机对马飞展开疯狂进攻。九十年代中后期章卉终于存到六万块钱后带海训去广州换角膜,不幸途中自己发病,因为新鲜的角膜只能存活十二小时,章卉果断不肯放弃。海训乘她昏迷时毅然中途下车,最终查出章卉得了白血病,而换角膜的钱就此打了水漂,海训家庭雪上加霜。卫国得知后四处借钱帮海训换角膜未果,李治平再次提出只要放弃马飞就能拿一笔钱,卫国别无选择,从此和马飞断绝来往。然而角膜再次长价。最终,章卉瞒着大家把自己的一只角膜换给了海训,海训得以重见光明,章卉却病入膏肓。于是,海训又带章卉四处求医,从云南、湖北直到河南,最终一无所获地回到南京。某夜,章卉预感自己的生命走到尽头,提出想看一眼梅花,海训就背她去梅花山等待日出,太阳升起来的时候章卉再也没有醒来。不久,海训又哭瞎了眼睛,他果断不让卫国告诉杜丽。却说,杜丽得知海训夫妻外出求医后一路追寻他们而去,历经了钱包被偷、险遭强奸等磨难却始没能找到,不禁黯然神伤。杜丽忽然意识到也许这就是自己的命运,无奈和高明重归于好。就在杜丽怀孕期间终于发现了高明和别人女人鬼混的劣迹,于是当即提出离婚。高明得知杜丽擅自打掉了小孩后对她大打出手。马飞偷偷把李治平送给她的一辆跑车抵押贷款,帮卫国也开了一家酒吧。从此,两家酒吧展开了激烈的竞争,卫国在经历了若干次濒于破产的情况下屡次得到马飞的暗中帮助,最终成功地收购了李治平和高明的酒吧。与此同时,李治平和马飞举行了婚礼,卫国含泪大闹婚礼。不久,高明和杜丽离婚。杜丽虽然知道章卉走了,但她再也没去找过海训,直到一年后听说海训又瞎了,杜丽毅无反顾的回到海训身边。卫国只用三个月还清了所有债务,正当他赎回了马飞的汽车时,却听说她已秘密离婚并离开了这个城市。有人说马飞回了北京,有人说去了国外,也有人说她就住在这个城市的某个地方。与此同时,高兰带着小孩出现,卫国不知何去何从。1997年的第一天,卫国毅然踏上了寻找马飞的旅途。当爱已成往事剧情介绍第一集[1] 卫国帮为替高明妹妹高兰出气与鹞子帮在雨中展开一场混战。杜丽作为鹞子帮的惟一女孩为自家帮派加油时,顺手打了海训,海训非旦没打她,还为保护她而挨了一重拳,杜丽由此对海训产生了爱好。警察赶到,大家四散逃开,卫国逃跑时与马飞首次相遇,便被马飞漂亮外貌深深吸引。教室里,马飞与杜丽转校而来,恰与卫国三人同班。鹞子再次寻衅打架。高明伤人。杜丽主动为三人提供避难所,还静静从家中带来干粮,并与海训产生情愫。因高明家中有疯母和酗酒的父亲,卫国决定为高明顶账,次日清晨主动去投案,被拘留。杜丽出面找伤者化解了此次矛盾,原来是鹞子故意设计陷害。卫国被释放。三人在城墙上结义,取苟富贵无相忘。卫国发现自家对面阳台上吹笛子的人正是马飞,用弹弓给正在阳台收衣服的马飞发了情书。



Through the love story and life experience of the three men and four women, \"Dangdang has become the past\" describes the interruption of life in the early 20 years of reform and opening up from the early 1980s to 2000, showing the eternal of glory and dreams, conspiracy and love. theme. In the 1980s, Guo Guohai Training and Gaoming had played on the city wall since childhood. Looking at the outside world, they spent the last happy time of their childhood until the appearance of the Matsumi Du Li's cousin one day, and then changed. Their destiny. Wei Guo's ideals have been singing their own songs on the stage. When he graduated from high school, Ma Fei, who would blow his flute in Beijing and Beijing, was opposed by Ma Fei's mother. During college, in order to form a band, the Wei Guo was cheated and was involved in an economic case and lost his student status. After that, Wei Guo applied for the song and dance troupe. Ma Fei's mother (head) allowed Wei Guo to leave the horse on the condition that the admission was used as a condition. At the same time, businessman Li Zhiping desperately pursued Ma Fei, although he was repeatedly rejected, he always persisted. Haixun fell in love with Du Li at the same time, and Du Li chose Hai Xun. After the sea training, Gaoming's relationship between Haixun and nurse Zhang Hui caused Du Li to take sleeping pills in a fierce manner. At the same time, Haixun's three -month recruits ended. Because there was no direct vehicle, Haixun returned to see Du Li for thirty hours by taking a motorcycle for thirty hours. Faced with Du Li in the coma, Hai Xun was full of tears, leaving the only watch (Du Li's) watch on Du Li pillow. After five minutes, she stepped on the back of the team. The next day, the next day, the next day When I arrived at the barracks, the troops were assembled, and Hai Xun's eyes were dark. Many years later, a Lenin dress and the autumn smiley face have been retained in the memory of the sea training. Gao Ming's ambition to change his destiny from an early age, but after receiving the admission notice, he was a worker because of his family difficulties. Sister Gao Lan and Zhao Yonglu (born father) started from collecting waste and gradually developed into businessmen. Gao Lan liked the Wei Guo since she was a child. The appearance of Ma Fei left her tears and left Nanjing to develop in Guangzhou. Occasionally, Zhao Yongzu and Wei Guo became the year -on -year friendship and played an important role in the Guo Guo in music creation. When Zhao Yonglu and Wei Guo's mother were young, they were a pair of lovers. In the extraordinary age, the mother -in -law's mother was pregnant with the Wei Guo. In the case of no way, the adoptive father of the Wei Guo accepted her and looked at the Wei Guo. When Wei Guo and his father learned that Zhao Yonglu and Wei Guomu's past experiences were different. After experiencing the struggle, the adoptive father resolutely divorced the mother of Wei Guo to reunite their husband and wife. Although Zhao Yonglu loved Wei Guoma, he refused to take care of people. Wei Guo has since left Zhao Yonglu. However, when Zhao Yonglu was about to come to an end due to illness, the Wei Guo finally realized that his life was impermanent, so he came to the bed to end him. In the early 1990s, the defendant finally formed his own band, but he had been playing between the bars and his life was embarrassed. After graduating from Ma Fei University, he was a music teacher in elementary school. Because his mother opposed it, he could only communicate with the Wei Guo. Although Li Zhiping was repeatedly rejected, he always followed Ma Fei. Du Li became a doctor, and she still did not know that Hai Xun had returned that year. Gao Ming has always been requested to her, and was recognized by the Du family. In the meantime, Wei Guo and Gaoming did a business,In the end, it was swallowed by Gaoming alone to get a bar. After that, Gao Ming and Li Zhiping operated the bar together, and Li Zhiping immediately asked Ma Fei to come to the bar to blow the flute. In an anti -drug, Hai Xun returned to his hometown for rescuing his comrades -in -arms. The special care was Zhang Hui, and Hai Xun fell in the face of Wang Jun because of his faceless face. During the illness of Zhang Hui, Du Li came to the hospital for internship and replaced Zhang Hui to take care of the sea training. He never recognized (blindfolded) Wang Jun was a sea training, and Wang Jun did not dare to appear with the true face. Once, when Wang Jun learned that Gao Ming was Du Li's boyfriend, he caused Du Li's suspicion because of his excitement, and Wang Jun lied to her that Haixun had sacrificed, and then Du Li was ill. One day, Du Li unexpectedly discovered the watch given to Hai Xun at home (the sea training stayed at her pillow), and the Wei Guo told the story of the 30 hours of sea training that year. Married Gao Ming. Wen Zhi Zhang Hui and (Blind) Wang Jun's wedding news, Du Li immediately felt that Wang Jun was a sea training. When she finally found the sea training, the two couldn't help hugging, but I was watched by Gao Ming. Since then, Gaoming's husband and wife slept in bed, and Gao Ming was drinking with the lady all day long. The Wei Guo and the sea training met after meeting each other. In the case of supporting the band, Li Zhiping sent a strong contract with a strong condition that the condition was to exchange Ma Fei, and the Wei Guo refused. That night, Wei Guo drunk the roadside and was brought back to the hotel by Gao Lan, who had returned to visit relatives. Wei Guo mistakenly thought it was Ma Fei, and then and her made the goodness of Qin Jin. When she woke up the next day, she regretted it. Soon after Gao Lan found that she was pregnant, she secretly returned to Guangzhou and gave birth to her children and Wei Guo. Ma Fei was preparing to go abroad with Li Zhiping, but the Wei Guo arrived at the moment before the departure. The four eyes were relatively tears. Ma Fei finally gave up abroad, but the relationship between the two was difficult to return to the past. Li Zhiping took the opportunity to start a crazy attack on Ma Fei. In the middle and late 1990s, Zhang Hui finally kept 60,000 yuan and took sea training to Guangzhou to change the cornea. Unfortunately, he became ill on the way, because the fresh cornea could only survive for 12 hours, and Zhang Hui decisively refused to give up. Hai Xun got out of the car in a coma, and finally found out that Zhang Hui had leukemia, and the money changed the corneal. After the Wei Guo learned that he borrowed money to help the sea training, he did not work. Li Zhiping once again proposed that as long as he gave up Ma Fei, he could get a sum of money. The Wei Guo had no choice but to break from Ma Fei. However, cornea is long -term. In the end, Zhang Hui concealed everyone to exchange one of his cornea to Hai Xun. Sea training was able to see the light again, but Zhang Hui was ill. As a result, Hai Xun brought Zhang Hui to seek medical treatment everywhere, from Yunnan and Hubei to Henan, and finally returned to Nanjing. One night, Zhang Hui expels her life to the end and proposed to take a look at the plum blossoms. Hai Xun carried her to Meihua Mountain to wait for the sunrise. When the sun rose, Zhang Hui never woke up again. Soon, Hai Xun cried again, and he decisively did not let Wei Guo tell Du Li. However, Du Li learned that Hai Xun's husband and wife went to seek medical treatment all the way. After being stolen and raped by wallets, she couldn't help but be injured. Du Li suddenly realized that maybe this is his own destiny, and helplessness and Gao Mingzhong belonged to good. During Du Li's pregnancyIn the end, the inferiority of Gao Ming and other women's ghosts were discovered, so divorce was immediately proposed. Gao Ming learned that Du Li fought with her without permission. Ma Fei secretly gave Li Zhiping a sports car mortgage loan, and helped Wei Guo a bar. Since then, the two bars have launched fierce competition. The Wei Guo has repeatedly received Ma Fei's secret help under the circumstances of several bankruptcy, and finally successfully acquired Li Zhiping and Gaoming bars. At the same time, Li Zhiping and Ma Fei held a wedding, and Wei Guo had a tearful wedding. Soon, Gaoming and Du Li divorced. Although Du Li knew that Zhang Hui had gone, she never went to the sea training again. Until a year later, she heard that the sea training was blind again. Du Liyi returned to Hai Xun without hesitation. Wei Guo only paid back all the debts in three months. When he redeemed Ma Fei's car, he heard that she had secretly divorced and left the city. Some people say that Ma Fei returned to Beijing. Some people said that they went abroad, and some people said that she lived somewhere in the city. At the same time, Gao Lan appeared with the child, and the Wei Guo did not know where to go. On the first day of 1997, Wei Guo resolutely embarked on a journey to find Ma Fei. When love has become the first episode of the past, the first episode of the story [1] Wei Guo Gang launched a melee in the rain for Gao Ming's sister Gao Lan and the sister -in -law gang. As the only girl who cheered for her gang as her gang, Du Li hit the sea training in her own gang. The sea training Fei Dan did not hit her, and she also had a heavy punch to protect her. Du Li had a hobby of Hai Xun. The police arrived, everyone fled, and when Wei Guo fled, he met Ma Fei for the first time, and was deeply attracted by Ma Fei's beautiful appearance. In the classroom, Ma Fei and Du Li moved to school, exactly the same class as the Wei Guo. The sister -in -law once again provoked the fight. Gao Ming hurts people. Du Li took the initiative to provide a shelter for the three, and quietly brought dry food from home, and had affection with sea training. Because of the mad mother and his father in Gaoming's house, Wei Guo decided to take the top account for Gao Ming, and he took the initiative to invest in the morning and was detained. Du Li came out to find the wounded to resolve the contradiction, and it turned out to be the intentional design of the sister -in -law. The Wei Guo was released. The three were righteous on the city wall and forgot to forget the rich and rich. Wei Guo found that the person who played the flute on the balcony opposite was Ma Fei, and Ma Fei, who was collecting clothes on the balcony with a slingshot, posted a love letter.







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