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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《老病号》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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发表于 2022-7-21 03:08:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
电视剧电影《老病号》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


由林永健领衔主演,闫学晶、巩汉林、刘金山等数十位笑星加盟,李玉刚、何赛飞搭档首演母子大秀京戏的年度轻喜剧《老病号》即将登陆各大荧屏,为观众奉上笑过之后的思考。该戏的故事背景发生在医院,以病号大源(林永健饰)为主线,讲述了大源住院的这段日子所发生的人间喜剧和人间悲剧。公司财务科长程大元因车祸得了严重脑震荡,大脑出现间歇性失忆,住进了综合病房。公司领导腐败的证据都藏在这保险柜里,程大元勇敢的揭发了庞总等人的腐败行为,被新上任的领导树立为反腐英雄,给予重奖,大元突然倒地,口吐白沫,一激动得了癫痫,又住进了综合病房。  程大元在病房里给病友号脉,吓得病友以为自己大限将至,被护士长彭瑞云训斥了一通。脾气暴躁的前妻安素贞想与大元复婚,派儿子大龙从中撮合被大元识破。安素贞不死心,三番两次来医院找程大元复合,护士长彭瑞云帮忙拦住了她,大元心里有点感激。  病友牛顺吉的儿子牛大胜为了单位提干三番两次向母亲要钱去疏通拉拢群众关系,程大元看见了立马出手制止。单位组织部派人来了解情况,牛大胜假扮孝子无微不至地照顾父亲,程大元带领病友们在前来采访的媒体面前捅破了他伪孝子的面具,牛大胜终于浪子回头,一家人重拾亲情的温馨。  王小虎把家里的积蓄全部买了彩票,却一次也没中过,一个多月来整天哭天豪地,几度心脏骤停。他住院后发现自己中了头奖500万,不仅打麻将欠下赌债,在外面还朝三暮四,妻子裘小妹一气之下把彩票烧了,可那张中奖的彩票在王小虎鞋垫下面藏着  程大元不同意和安素贞复婚,两人不欢而散,大元气得癫痫发作。彭瑞云的爱人海涛是植物人,一天夜里突然睁开了眼睛护士小琪单方面看上了苏医生,护士长彭瑞云提醒苏医生注意医院里的风言风语,帮他介绍了几个对象,都被小琪搅合吹了。  京剧大师秋鸿图癌症晚期,唯一的心愿就是与失散多年的小师妹柳艳春同台再唱一曲《霸王别姬》。同院的年轻病友叶知秋对京剧很有天赋,在秋老的指导下,参加了京剧票友大赛并获得了金奖。程大元多方打听到原来叶知秋竟是柳艳春的儿子!秋老终于与想盼多年的柳艳春合唱了一台《霸王别姬》,无憾地闭上了双眼。大元将这段感人的故事写成《新霸王别姬》投稿到《知心》杂志,发表了出来。  农民工子弟学校教师范迎春当年因为受不了丈夫的虐待毒打逃出了家,从此与儿子吴非再未谋面。如今她想在失明前亲眼看看自己的儿子,程大元通过苏医生的同学帮忙,请来新闻60分的记者做采访,新到医院做护工的民工贾明虽然以病友护工的身份待在范老师身边,却不愿原谅母亲。范老师将最后一封信托大元转交给儿子,贾明读完泪流满面,终于喊出了妈妈  杨工查出肝部和肺部都有肿瘤,半路夫妻宋之琳全力以赴一定要治好他的病。杨工知道自己没多少时间了,决定把一直埋在心底的秘密告诉之琳:他曾与一个叫齐丹娜的女人发生了婚外情。谁料是良性肿瘤,杨工悔不该告诉之琳这个秘密,而之琳要和杨工离婚!杨工只好向大元求救  综合病房里每天都上演着世间的冷暖百态,一幕幕故事展现了人与人间的亲情、爱情、友情故事接近尾声时,前妻安素贞被查出了甲亢,程大元不再怨她,安素贞的手术非常成功,脾气也变好了,一家人其乐融融;大元帮助彭瑞云治疗海涛的病,是误打误撞也好,还是好心感动了上天,海涛终于醒了,彭瑞云苦尽甘来,对大元感激不尽;而苏医生则与老同学结了婚,整个故事迎来美满的大结局。




Starring by Lin Yongjian, dozens of laughing stars such as Yan Xuejing, Gong Hanlin, Liu Jinshan, etc. joined, Li Yugang and He Saifei partnered with the annual light comedy \"Old sickness\" of the mother and son show Peking opera will be landed on the major screens, and they thought of the audience's thoughts. Essence The background of the drama occurred in the hospital, focusing on Da Yuan (Lin Yongjian) as the main line, telling the human comedy and human tragedy during the period when Dayuan was hospitalized. Da Yuan, the head of the company's financial section, had severe brain shock due to a car accident, and intermittent amnesia in the brain lived in the integrated ward. The evidence of corruption of the company's leadership is hidden in this safe. Cheng Dayuan bravely revealed the corruption behavior of Pang Pang and others. As soon as he was excited, he lived in the comprehensive ward. Cheng Dayuan gave the patient's pulse in the ward, scaring the patient that he was about to be limited, and was reprimanded by the nurse chief Peng Ruiyun. An irritable ex -wife An Suzhen wanted to remarry Da Yuan, and sent his son Dalong to match from it. An Suzhen did not give up, and came to the hospital twice to find Cheng Danyuan to reunite. Peng Rui Yun, the head nurse, helped her stop her. Da Yuan was a little grateful. Niu Shunji's son Niu Dasheng asked his mother to dredge the relationship between the masses twice for the unit. Cheng Dayuan saw immediately to stop it. The unit's organization department sent someone to understand the situation. Niu Dasheng pretended to take care of his father in a meticulous manner. Cheng Dayuan led the patients to break the mask of pseudo -filial piety in front of the media where he came to the interview. Niu Dasheng finally turned back. Wang Xiaohu bought all the savings at home, but he hadn't won once. He cried all day long and cried all day long, and he stopped his heart a few times. After he was hospitalized, he found that he won the first prize of 5 million. Su Zhen was remarried, and the two were unhappy and scattered. Peng Ruiyun's lover Hai Tao is a vegetative, and suddenly opened his eyes and nurses Xiao Qi unilaterally to see Dr. Su. The nurse chief Peng Rui Yun reminded Dr. Su to pay attention to the words in the hospital and helped him introduce several objects. Stir. In the late stage of Beijing opera master Qiu Hongtu, the only wish was to sing a song \"Farewell My Concubine\" with the young master Liu Yanchun for many years. Ye Zhiqiu, a young patient in the same hospital, was very talented in Peking Opera. Under the guidance of Qiu Lao, he participated in the Peking Opera Ticket Friends Competition and won the Gold Award. Cheng Dayuan made many parties in hear that Ye Zhiqiu was actually Liu Yanchun's son! Qiu Lao finally sang a \"Farewell My Concubine\" with Liu Yanchun, who wanted to hope for many years, and closed his eyes without regret. Da Yuan wrote this touching story as \"New Overlord\" to contribute to \"Knowledge\" magazine and published it. In the past, the peasant's children's school teachers and schools escaped from the house because they could not stand the abuse of the husband's abuse, and never met with his son Wu Fei. Now she wants to look at her son with his own eyes before blindness. Cheng Dayuan helps Dr. Su's classmates and invited a reporter from 60 points to interview.Although the migrant worker of the hospital, Jia Ming, who stayed with the patient, stayed with Mr. Fan as a patient, did not want to forgive his mother. Teacher Fan transferred the last trust Da Yuan to his son. Jia Ming was full of tears and finally shouted that his mother Yang Gong found that the liver and lungs had tumors. Disease. Yang Gong knew that he had little time, and decided to tell the secret that he had been buried in his heart: he had an extramarital affair with a woman named Zi Dana. Who expected is a benign tumor, Yang Gong regrets that he should not tell the secret of Lin, and Lin Lin wants to divorce Yang Gong! Yang Gong had to ask Diyuan to ask for help in the comprehensive ward every day in the world of warmth and warmth. When the story stories show the affection, love, and friendship story of people and the world, the ex -wife An Suzhen was found to be hyperthyroidism. No longer blame her, An Suzhen's surgery is very successful and his temper has improved. The family is happy; Da Yuan helps Peng Ruiyun to treat Hai Tao's illness, whether it is wrong, or moved to heaven. After waking up, Peng Ruiyun was full of bitterness and grateful to Da Yuan; Dr. Su married his old classmates, and the whole story ushered in a happy finale.



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