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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《重案六组 第四部》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《重案六组 第四部》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载
电视剧电影《重案六组 第四部》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载

影视剧《重案六组 第四部》,这部电视剧于2011首次播出放映,上映伊始就引起了轰动。是一部电视剧类型的影片,情节非常引人入胜,参与演出的演员阵容值得介绍一下,演员王茜,张潮,丁志诚,陈蓉,郭昊伦,等都参与了演出,他们在这次的合作非常默契,在剧中扮演的人物各有特色,很多人都是本色出演,本片是在大陆拍摄的,好的制片地和好的选景对于影片来说非常重要,选对一个好的拍摄地对于电视剧来说可谓相当关键,不仅关系到费用的支出,也关系到演员的发挥和影片的整体质量。这部电视剧上映的评分是6.1,这个分数对于这样的作品来说是有些偏低的。但是瑕不掩瑜,是金子就会发光的,好的作品也一定能够经得起时间的考验。

季洁等在押解412重犯回程的途中听到15声枪响。经调查,枪声出现在锦绣地。沈耀东用死者手机拨出通话记录里最后通话的号码,结果前来向郑一民报道的佟林的手机响了起来。季洁等人对此深感意外。  案情分析会上,沈耀东要求佟林解释电话一事,佟林的回答引起大伙不满。佟林利用郑一民从沈耀东嘴里套出了嫌疑人的地址,而李少成从监控录像上发现了一个与案件有密切关系的陈雪。[page_break]在关键时刻,佟林找到了在锦绣地谈判时被打伤的五个人,遗憾的是已经死了两个。季洁认同佟林保留活口,好继续破案的理由。但这时,一个意外让十六枪案的三个活口又死了一个,剩下两人都成了植物人。  案情变得扑朔迷离,一场惊心动魄的较量就这样拉开了帷幕。  沈耀东带人在佟林家找到了崔强的尸体和一把五四手枪。沈耀东和季洁讯问佟林,佟林将他是如何与郑一民、马局一起设局,引沈耀东上钩的事实全盘托出,揭出沈耀东黑警察的真实面目。最终,沈耀东在抓捕犯罪嫌疑人葛安时,以死来悔改自己的所作所为。  在粮库熏蒸一案上,佟林发现季洁提到的四个地点名称都和锦绣地的开发商苏渤海有关  季洁拘审了崔强失踪前见的最后一个人陈雪,佟林却为陈雪找到不在现场的确凿证据,推翻了季洁的结论。陈雪在歌厅请佟林唱歌,不料被缉毒警给兜了。季洁将佟林接回,佟林隐瞒了去歌厅的真相。  六组清查崔强死因,在现场发现一皮箱佣金。再三审讯之下,嫌疑人张某供出买凶杀人之人是进京官员。当佟林、季洁找到证据,却发现涉案官员已经自杀。而这时,苏渤海办公室发生失火、爆炸。赵鹏被枪击,腿部负伤。佟林认为是赵鹏自己做戏。佟林和季洁突审赵鹏。赵鹏一口咬定枪击自己的人就是苏渤海,佟林对此大感疑惑。  由于案发现场在陈雪常出没的会所。陈雪向佟林建议由自己设饭局请苏渤海和赵鹏见面,同时佟林也出席。佟林说服季洁,请示过郑一民后,单刀赴会。谁也没想到,苏渤海和赵鹏竟然在饭局上达成了交易。  一个亡命徒冲进医院要炸死赵鹏,被阻击手击毙,佟林想以此挖出苏渤海,但始终证据不足。由于线索中断,案件再次陷入谜团。  薛晓琪打来电话,告知佟林其偷取了赵鹏的一包秘密卷宗。佟林擅自布置行动到预定地点,不料关键时刻薛晓琪销声匿迹,众人意外陷入险境,与一帮流氓发生械斗,导致六组伤了一个组员。季洁质问佟林,佟林有口难辩。为查明真相,佟林只得独自找寻薛晓琪。在薛晓琪家,他发现了苏渤海妻子叶芝琳的尸体,而薛晓琪不知所踪。  佟林受到处分,但他别无选择,孤身一人继续寻救薛晓琪。几经周折,佟林找到被奸杀的薛晓琪季洁从薛晓琪女儿思思口中得知坏人竟是佟林,一气之下扇了他一个耳光。[page_break]苏渤海成为受害人叶芝琳的家属,受到多次询问,不敢离开警局。佟林直截了当质问苏渤海,苏渤海将所有的犯罪行为推给赵鹏和当年的会计身上。同时,他交代了自己手里掌握赵鹏指使葛雄干掉崔强的录音。但苏渤海声称如果交出录音,必须与警方做交易,以求保护自己的利益。甚至以案子有背景,威胁佟林。  佟林找陈雪查询,陈雪感到紧张。佟林将情况告知季洁,二人认为先把陈雪放在一边,当务之急是抓住连环杀手葛雄,这是突破赵鹏的关键人物。两人请示郑一民,商量方案。郑一民认定葛雄肯定要去除掉苏渤海。佟林要求苏渤海必须回家,随即警方包围了苏渤海家,但葛雄没有出现。  季洁查到葛雄的居住地,但她发现葛雄妻李淑兰已经被杀。  经过几番复杂曲折的斗争,六组终于抓住了赵鹏手下的连环杀手葛雄。佟林找薛晓琪的小弟要东西,小弟因对薛晓琪之死怨恨佟林,将账本交给了季洁。  季洁、佟林串并案时发现一个可疑的嫌犯,最后证明是枪伤赵鹏的凶手,将其抓获,果然供出是苏渤海买凶杀害赵鹏未遂。最终,带有黑社会性质的犯罪团伙被一网打尽,赵鹏、苏渤海、高总先后落网,而锦绣地也被政府收走。神秘女人陈雪也因八年前的一起合同诈骗案被拘审。佟林与家人团聚,季洁、郑一民十分欣慰。  第四部《重案六组》将依然沿用前三部故事会的形式,每集交错讲述两个案件,情节紧凑,扣人心弦。同时还将增加一条富有悬疑感和连续感的主线和主案,贯穿整个系列始终,使情节更加曲折复杂。主线故事:锦绣地按照规划有两百亩,开发出来将近二十万平方米,总盘子价值三十个亿。三年前高副区长(已退休,人称高总)指使苏渤海、赵鹏串标,旨在为自己的集团谋利。但赵鹏为了巨大的经济利益,一心想把锦绣地据为己有,逼迫苏渤海签订转让合同。一场明争暗斗由此开始。三年来,锦绣地只挖了个大坑,成为烂尾工地并蔓延出贫民区简易房、歌厅、洗头房、小饭馆并存。  上层黑保护伞徐先生不满高总手下苏、赵之争造成被动局面并殃及自己的地位和利益,因此下达三个月搞定的命令。高总通知赵、苏:如果三个月没有起色,锦绣地由政府收走。这个结果将使苏、赵失去各自利益,于是斗争更加白热化,形成几乎失控局面。  思维缜密的六组刑警们从一桩桩凶杀、绑架等恶性案件中寻找到蛛丝马迹,串并起来后认定这是一系列集团犯罪,最终成功击溃高总的黑恶势力犯罪组织。

重案六组 第四部



Ji Jie heard 15 shotage on the way to escorting 412 criminal return. After investigation, the sound of gunfire appeared in the splendid land. Shen Yaodong dialed the number of the last call in the call record of the deceased's mobile phone, and came to report to Zheng Yimin's mobile phone. Ji Jie and others were deeply surprised. At the case analysis meeting, Shen Yaodong asked Lu Lin to explain the phone, and the answer of Tong Lin caused everyone to dissatisfy. Tong Lin used Zheng Yimin to put the address of the suspect from Shen Yaodong's mouth, and Li Shaocheng found a close relationship with Chen Xue from the surveillance video. [Page_break] At a critical moment, Tong Lin found five people who were injured during the splendid negotiations. Unfortunately, two were dead. Ji Jie agrees with the reasons for the retention of the living mouth of Tong Lin to continue to solve the case. But at this time, one of the three live mouths in the sixteen shot case was accidentally died, and the remaining two became plants. The case became confusing, and a thrilling contest kicked off. Shen Yaodong led the Lin's family to find Cui Qiang's body and a five -four pistol. Shen Yaodong and Ji Jie asked Tong Lin. How did he set up a bureau with Zheng Yimin and Ma Bureau, and the fact that Shen Yaodong hooked up was fully entrusted, revealing the true face of Shen Yaodong's black police. In the end, when Shen Yaodong arrested the criminal suspect Ge An, he repented what he did to do. In the case of the fumigation of the grain depot, the four places names mentioned by Ji Lin found that Ji Jie, who was mentioned by Ji Xiu, who had mentioned in the splendid developer. Finding Chen Xue's independent evidence at the scene, overthrowing Ji Jie's conclusion. Chen Xue asked Li Lin to sing in the singing hall, but she was pocked by the anti -drug police. Ji Jie picked up Tong Lin, and Li Lin concealed the truth of going to the singing hall. Six groups inspected Cui Qiang's cause and found a box of commissions at the scene. Under the interrogation repeatedly, the suspect Zhang confessed that the person who bought the murderer was an official in Beijing. When Tong Lin and Ji Jie found evidence, they found that the officials involved had committed suicide. At this time, a fire and explosion occurred in Su Bohai's office. Zhao Peng was shot and his legs were injured. Tong Lin believes that Zhao Peng did a drama himself. Tong Lin and Ji Jie tried Zhao Peng. Zhao Peng's person who was shooting his own shooting was Su Bohai, and Lin Lin felt puzzled by this. Due to the club of Chen Xue often at the scene of the crime. Chen Xue suggested to Tong Lin to set up a meal bureau to ask Su Bohai to meet with Zhao Peng, and at the same time, Li Lin also attended. Ji Lin persuaded Ji Jie and asked Zheng Yimin to go to the meeting. No one expected that Su Bohai and Zhao Peng had reached a transaction in the dinner. A desperate man rushed into the hospital to kill Zhao Peng, and was killed by the blocking hand. Tong Lin wanted to dig out Su Bohai, but he always had insufficient evidence. Due to the interruption of the clues, the case fell into a mystery again. Xue Xiaoqi called and informed that Lin Qi stole Zhao Peng's pack of secret dose. Tonglin arranged operations to the predetermined place without authorization. Unexpectedly, Xue Xiaoqi disappeared at a critical moment. Everyone accidentally fell into danger and fought with a group of hooligans, causing six groups to hurt a group member. Ji Jie asked Pu Lin, and Tong Lin was unable to argue. In order to find out the truth, Tong Lin had to find Xue Xiaoqi alone. At Xue Xiaoqi's house, he discovered the body of Su Bohai's wife Ye Zhilin, and Xue XiaoQi didn't know. Tong Lin was punished, but he had no choice, and he continued to save Xue Xiaoqi alone. After many twists and turns, Tong Lin found the raped Xue Xiaoqi Ji Jiejie from Xue Xiaoqi's daughter Sisi that the bad guy was actually Tong Lin, and he slapped him in a furious. [Page_break] Su Bohai became the family member of the victim Ye Zhilin. He was asked several times and did not dare to leave the police station. Tong Lin was straightforward as questioning Su Bohai, and Su Bohai pushed all the criminal acts to Zhao Peng and the accounting of the year. At the same time, he explained that Zhao Peng instructed Ge Xiong to kill Cui Qiang in his hands. However, Su Bohai claims that if he handles a recording, he must deal with the police to protect his own interests. Even the case has a background and threatened Tonglin. Chen Xue asked Chen Xue to inquire, and Chen Xue felt nervous. Tong Lin informed Ji Jie. The two thought that Chen Xue was put aside first. The urgent prince was to grab a serial killer Ge Xiong. This was a key figure that broke through Zhao Peng. The two asked Zheng Yimin to discuss the plan. Zheng Yimin determined that Ge Xiong would definitely remove Su Bohai. Pu Lin asked Su Bohai to go home, and then the police surrounded Su Bohai's family, but Ge Xiong did not appear. Ji Jie found Ge Xiong's place of residence, but she found that Ge Xiong's wife Li Shulan had been killed. After several complicated and twists and turns, six groups finally seized the serial killer Ge Xiong of Zhao Peng. Tong Lin asked Xue Xiaoqi's younger brother to ask for something. The younger brother resented Xue Xiaoqi's death to Pu Lin and handed the ledger to Ji Jie. Ji Jie and Tong Lin found a suspicious suspect during the case, and finally proved to be the murderer of Zhao Peng, who arrested him, and it turned out that Su Bohai bought murder Zhao Peng attempt. In the end, the criminal gang with the nature of the underworld was beaten by a net. Zhao Peng, Su Bohai, and Gao Gao were arrested, and the government was also taken away by the government. Mysterious woman Chen Xue was also detained for a contract fraud eight years ago. Ji Lin was reunited with his family, and Ji Jie and Zheng Yimin were very pleased. The fourth part of the \"Six Cases\" will still follow the form of the first three stories. Each episode will tell two cases. The plot is compact and exciting. At the same time, a main line and main case with suspense and continuity will be added, which runs through the entire series, making the plot more twists and turns. The main story: There are 200 acres of planning according to the plan, developed nearly 200,000 square meters, and the total disk is worth 3 billion. Three years ago, the deputy head of the Gao (retired, known as President Gao) instructed Su Bohai and Zhao Peng to bid to make a profit for his group. However, for the huge economic benefits, Zhao Peng wanted to give the splendid land as his own, and forced Su Bohai to sign a transfer contract. A bright fight began. Over the past three years, it has only been dug a large pit, which has become a rotten construction site and spreading out the simple houses, singing halls, shampooing houses, and small restaurants in the slums. The upper black umbrella, Mr. Xu, dissatisfied with Gao Gao's hands, and Zhao Zhizheng caused passive situations and affected his status and interests, so he issued an order in three months. President Gao notified Zhao and Su: If you have not improved for three months, it will be taken away by the government. This result will make Su and Zhao lose their respective interests, so the struggle is even more heated, forming almost out of control. Six groups of criminal policemen who have thoughtful thinking have murdered, abducted, etc.The vicious case was found to be clues, and after stringing it, it was determined that this was a series of group crimes, and eventually successfully defeated the criminal organization of Gao President Gao.

电视剧电影《重案六组 第四部》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载






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