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一九四一年,日本人占领上海,并全面展开对中国的侵略,中国人的苦难也更为加剧。中日战事多起,日本人将掳获的中国人一批批的往俘虏营送,而俘虏营内的每一人既代表着一个个中国家庭濒临破碎、生离死别、骨肉流离。在这苦难的岁月中,中国人民流离失所,但其意志仍坚强,因为他们相信胜利最后会属于他们的。 风雨夜,日本俘虏营的日本兵紧急动员追捕被江家老二江传贤救出的福建抗日青年王世荣。与此同时,江传贤的妻子秋霞正经历难产。在江家老大江传宗的妻子秀枝和江家老三江传孝的妻子方美莲的帮助下,孩子终于出生并取名耀祖,可此时,传贤已被迫要到国外充当壮劳工,从长女晓云、二女晓惠和三子耀光口中得知事情原委的秋霞拖着难产后的疲累身躯追至江边,与即将被迫上船的传贤一番生离死别后终于不支昏倒。 原本平安的家庭被逼妻离子散,江家上下一阵悲痛,但此时,老三传孝的妻子方美莲为自保想提出分家,只是为了不想承担秋霞及四个孩子的生活。平日与美莲不和的妯娌秀枝也为一己私欲表示同意,加上一向惧内的传宗的支持,传孝虽极力反对也只能接受。身体逐渐复原的秋霞为了不让孩子们受委屈,决定自力更生去做女工。工作中,秋霞遇见了受日本人追捕而受伤的王世荣并帮助他逃走,两人自此结缘,世荣感激之余却不知秋霞就是自己救命恩人的妻子。 美莲和她的初恋情人成刚在家中偷情被秋霞撞破,为防东窗事发,美莲竟串通成刚诬陷秋霞不贞,百口莫辩的秋霞惨被赶出江家,更被逼与四个儿女分离。美莲趁机提出要将家产对分,并将秋霞的四个孩子分送给别人,秀枝出于对四子耀祖的喜爱,提出只要留下耀祖其他都可以答应。两人对话被晓惠和耀光听到,姐弟俩偷偷溜走去寻找母亲,却不慎在火车站失散。发现弟妹出走的晓云根据晓惠留下的纸条寻至车站却一无所获,反被人贩子所骗而卖给了妓院老板娘凤珠。晓云受尽折磨,幸得老板娘的侄子葛明多番维护,但依然被迫开始沦落风尘的人生际遇。此时,美莲为了并吞江家的全部财产,竟唆使成刚要让耀祖消失,成刚一时心软就将耀祖遗弃郊外,被恰巧路过的拾荒婆收养并改名阿丁,自此秋霞的四个孩子各散天边! 收到孩子失踪消息的秋霞赶回江家,抱着一丝希望寻找孩子下落并在途中巧遇成刚,寻子心切的秋霞并未认出成刚,反而是做贼心虚的成刚担心被秋霞认出,竟将秋霞推下山崖。秋霞头部重伤,幸被路过的王世荣救起送医,但醒来后的秋霞竟记忆全失,只会歇斯底里地逢人就问她的孩子,最后更被强行送入疯人院!在失去秋霞的消息后,美莲和秀枝的斗争日益激烈,传宗和传孝也在各自妻子的煽动下终于反目分家。此时,美莲和成刚的奸情却被传孝发现,传孝一气之下中风,狠心的美莲竟将丈夫遗弃在传宗家门口后带着分家后的全部财产与成刚远走高飞! 六年后,秋霞仍然被关在疯人院,只有世荣一人常来探望,也因此对秋霞日久生情。某日雨夜,雷电交加的强烈刺激唤起了秋霞的往日记忆,世荣不仅将秋霞带离疯人院,更承诺会照顾秋霞,两人成为好友。秋霞回到江家后发现已人事全非,传宗在欠下巨额赌债后已带着秀枝远走他乡,中风后无人照顾的传孝也已被送至养护中心,四个儿女更是音讯全无,在世荣的安慰和帮助下,原本伤心欲绝的秋霞收拾心情,开始了找回失散儿女的漫漫旅途。 此时的晓云出落得亭亭玉立,被妓院老板娘改名为香兰并被逼要开始接客,香兰(晓云)抵死不从被禁锢,不忍香兰(晓云)受苦的葛明趁夜带香兰(晓云)逃离,一心想念母亲的香兰(晓云)决定与葛明一边工作一边打听母亲及弟妹的下落。二女晓惠当年被一李姓人家收养并改名李玉鹃,由于深信母亲当年确有不贞,李玉鹃(晓惠)竟执意要抹去过去的身世。三子耀光被一富商收养并改名高天赐,富商的过分溺爱使天赐(耀光)变得倔强、叛逆,加上结识了一些不良分子,让他误入歧途,终日为非作歹,俨然是个小混混。四子耀祖与收养他的拾荒婆多年来过着穷苦的生活,但年纪小小的阿丁(耀祖)却非常乖巧懂事,然而婆婆久病不愈,临终前把阿丁(耀祖)托付给远方亲戚金水,卖艺为生的金水就带着阿丁(耀祖)四处讨生活。 某日,带着阿丁的金水与世荣、秋霞发生争执,正值阿丁高烧不退,秋霞见其与幼子耀祖年龄相仿,故衣不解带地细心照顾,过程中两人的感情已亲若母子,但秋霞却浑然不知眼前的阿丁就是自己日思夜想的幼子耀祖!金水亦感动于秋霞寻找儿女的深情,于是答应帮忙,四人结伴同行。而成天游手好闲的天赐为正被不良少年欺负的李玉鹃解了围,自此两人成为好朋友,但天赐不知李玉鹃就是自己的二姐晓惠! 不打不相识的金水和世荣已成好友,却同时爱上了秋霞。世荣的父亲和天赐的养父曾是生意伙伴,也因此让秋霞得遇天赐,并从天赐身上的信物发现天赐就是三子耀光!起初天赐误会母亲改嫁,将天赐视若己出的养父母也不肯将天赐还给秋霞,但最终秋霞的爱子深情感动众人,天赐首先与秋霞相认。与天赐成为好友的李玉鹃也知道秋霞就是生母,而秋霞也知道了李玉鹃就是二女晓惠,但叛逆且爱虚荣的晓惠却坚持不肯相认。 此时香兰被抓回妓院,同时秋霞也发现了香兰就是长女晓云!起初秋霞无法接受自己的女儿竟沦落风尘,幸得葛明的帮助,母女终于相认。秋霞、世荣和金水三人筹钱欲为香兰赎身,却听闻香兰已被卖给一富商,而此人竟是当年害秋霞与儿女离散并失忆住进疯人院的成刚!生意成功的成刚欲纳香兰为二房,却不知香兰是秋霞的长女晓云,此举也引起方美莲的嫉恨与杀机 陆续找到三个儿女的秋霞担心四子下落,却不知改名阿丁的耀祖早已在身边。此时,失踪多年的传贤竟带着妻子生还归国,由于多年未有生育,此行传贤是打算将与秋霞的孩子带走,刚经历失夫之痛的秋霞又要面临失去儿女,在她的爱心和毅力下能化解危机吗?面对金水和世荣的追求,秋霞将情归何处?秋霞究竟何时才能发现阿丁就是她的儿子耀祖?时代的苦难引发了这一场天伦劫!天伦劫人物介绍: 林秋霞:女,年三十至三十八岁。刻苦耐劳,性情温婉贤慧,朴实端庄,标准的中国传统妇女。丈夫传贤被日本军强迫赴南洋服劳役,又被妯娌陷害,诬赖其有不轨行为。在受到一连串打击与刺激后丧失记忆,被送入疗养院多年。多年后虽恢复记忆,但已人事全非,几名子女早已不知去向,幸得福建青年王世荣的鼓励与帮助,重新拾回对生命的希望,寻找其失散的子女! 黄金水:男,年二十六岁至三十四岁。个性风趣、幽默,乐于助人,为一爱国青年,为谋生只得街头卖艺。金水在一偶然的机会中收养了秋霞的幺子阿丁(耀祖),因而与秋霞相遇,更与王世荣同时喜欢上秋霞! 王世荣:男,年三十至三十八岁。性格刚毅,坚忍不拔,为人富正义感,且脚踏实地。因日本侵略中国,世荣由福建至上海参加抗日,蒙秋霞救助,在一偶然的机会里,亦救起了丧失记忆的林秋霞,为帮助林秋霞寻找失散的儿女,帮忙秋霞四处打听秋霞儿女的下落! 江晓云(香兰):女,年十二至二十岁。为秋霞的长女,性情文静、乖巧,颇能善解人意。因家遭变故,被卖入堂子(妓院)中。幸遇堂中老板侄子葛明的帮助,逃出妓院,四处寻找其母与其弟妹!但却被抓回并转卖。 江晓惠(李玉鹃):女,年十至十八岁。为秋霞的二女,性格骄纵,爱慕虚荣。家遭变故之后,被米店老板收养,因深信其母被陷害之事乃真有其事,一心努力忘记自己真正的身世,导致其在遇见秋霞后仍不认母! 江耀光(高天赐):男,年九至十七岁。为秋霞的长子,性情固执,桀傲不驯。被富贵人家收养,再加上养父母的溺爱,造成偏激、叛逆的个性,而走上歧途,更多次做错事伤了秋霞的心,并因秋霞对阿丁的呵护备至而妒恨、暗害阿丁! 江耀祖(阿丁):男,年一至七岁。为秋霞的幺子,性格乖巧懂事,但命运坎坷。变故后被拾荒婆带走抚养,如小乞儿一般,虽与自己的亲生母亲相见,但总是失之交臂,无法相认! 葛明:男,年十四至二十二岁。因生长在堂子(妓院),个性大而化之,玩世不恭,实心中颇富正义感。并因对江晓云爱慕,处处维护着晓云,且和晓云一起逃离妓院,帮助她一起四处寻找亲人! 江传宗:男,年约四十二至五十岁。性格懦弱,惧妻。为秋霞夫之兄,因好赌,以致债台高筑,晚景凄凉! 江传贤:男,年约三十五至四十三岁,为秋霞的丈夫,被日本军带往南洋服役,日本战败投降,传贤阴错阳差被遣送回日本,竟在日本发生重大转变 江传孝:男,年约三十至三十九岁。为秋霞丈夫之三弟,重义气、性格刚烈,与妻方美莲不合,后得知方美莲偷汉子,一气之下中风,秋霞寻至,经帮忙复健,重新站起! 吴秀枝:女,年约三十五至四十三岁。为江传宗之妻,无主见,耳根软,亦受人左右,视钱如命。与丈夫皆爱赌博,终将家产败光,亦晚景凄凉! 方美莲:女,年约二十五至三十三岁。为江传孝之妻,阴狠,泼辣,水性杨花!未婚之前早有爱人成刚,婚后仍与成刚有私情,为霸占江家家产用尽手段,害秋霞和四子女从此分开! 李勇:男,年约三十八岁。勤俭木讷,为秋霞二女江晓惠的养父! 唐燕:女,年约三十五岁。传统妇女,比较唠叨,为李勇的妻子! 高国栋:男,年约四十五岁。富商,为人海派,不拘小节,为秋霞三子江耀光的养父! 高妻:女,年约四十一岁。雍容贤淑,为高国栋之妻!因无子嗣,故溺爱天赐(耀光),使得天赐变成叛逆! 成刚:男,年约二十八至三十六岁,本为一无赖汉,和江家老三传孝妻子方美莲早有暧昧,因受方美莲唆使陷害秋霞,导致秋霞失忆! 凤珠:女,三十至三十八岁,泼辣、蛮横,为上海一堂子(妓院)里的老鸨子,从人口贩子买下晓云,见其标致心喜,不料晓云被侄子葛明带走!凤珠终抓回晓云,更不欲让秋霞相认,并将晓云推入火坑! 张丽君:江传贤在新加坡之
In 1941, the Japanese occupied Shanghai and fully launched an invasion of China, and the suffering of the Chinese was even more intensified. There are many war between China and Japan, and the Japanese will be sent to the captive camps in a batches of the Chinese people. Everyone in the captive camp represents both the Chinese families on the verge of crushing, separation from death, and bone. In this years of suffering, the Chinese people were displaced, but their will is still strong because they believe that victory will finally belong to them. On the wind and rain night, the Japanese soldiers who captured camps urgently mobilized the hunting of the Fujian anti -Japanese young Wang Shirong, which was rescued by Jiang Chuanxian, the second child of the Jiang family. At the same time, Jiang Chuanxian's wife Qiu Xia was experiencing difficulty. With the help of Fang Meilian, the wife Xiu Zhi, the wife of Jiang Chuanzong, the wife of Jiang Chuanzong, and Jiang Chuanxiao, the young Jiang family, the child was finally born and named Yaozu. But at this time, Chuanxian has been forced to serve as a strong worker abroad. Nu Xiaoyun, the second daughter Xiaohui, and the third son Yaoguang learned that Qiu Xia, who was the original committee, dragged the fatigue body after giving birth to the river, chased to the river, and finally fainted with the rumors who were about to be forced to board the ship. The originally safe family was forced to scatter his wife, and the Jiang family had a grief for a while, but at this time, Fang Meilian, the wife of the third child, wanted to propose a separate family for self -protection, just to do not want to bear the lives of Qiuxia and four children. The Dai Xiuzhi, who is disagree with Milian on weekdays, also agrees with his selfish desire, and the support of Chuan Zong, who has always been afraid, can only be accepted although he is strong opposition. Qiu Xia, who gradually recovered from the body, decided to be a female worker to prevent children from being wronged. During his work, Qiu Xia met Wang Shirong, who was injured by the Japanese and helped him escape. Since the two have been associated, Shi Rong is grateful, but he does not know that Qiu Xia is the wife of his life -saving benefactor. Meilian and her first love lover, Cheng Gang, stole love at home and was broken by Qiuxia. In order to prevent the east windows, Milian actually colluded into a framed Qiuxia. Children are separated. Meilian took the opportunity to divide the family property and distribute Qiu Xia's four children to others. Due to the love of the fourth son Yaozu, Xiuzhi proposed that as long as he left Yaozu, he could agree. The two of them were heard by Xiao Hui and Yaoguang, and the sisters and brothers secretly walked to find their mothers, but accidentally lost their disappearance at the train station. Xiaoyun, who was found to find her brother and sister, found the station according to Xiao Hui's note, but found nothing, but was cheated by the traffickers and sold it to the brothel owner's mother Fengzhu. Xiaoyun was tortured. Fortunately, Ge Ming, the nephew of the boss, maintained a lot of maintenance, but was still forced to start a life encounters that fell into the dust. At this time, in order to coexist with the entire property of the Jiang family, Meilian actually made Cheng Gang let Yaozu disappear. Cheng Gang had a soft heart and abandoned Yaozu. The four children are scattered! Qiu Xia, who received the news of the missing child, rushed back to the Jiang family, holding a trace of hoping to find the child's whereabouts and happened to be rigid on the way. Qiu Xia, who was looking for a child, did not recognize Cheng Gang. Recognizing, Qiu Xia pushed Qiu Xia down the cliff. Qiu Xia's head was seriously injured. Fortunately, Wang Shirong, who was passing by, rescued to the doctor, but Qiu Xia, who woke up, actually lost all his memory, and only hysterically asked her child, and finally was forcibly sent to crazy.Court! After losing the news of Qiuxia, the struggle between Milian and Xi Zhi became increasingly fierce. Chuan Zong and Chuan Xiao finally divided the house with the incitement of their wives. At this time, Meilian and Cheng Gang's rape was found to be filial piety. Chuan Xiaofeng was in a stroke, and the cruel Milian abandoned her husband at the door of Chuan Zong's house and took all the property and Cheng Gang far away after the separation of the house! Six years later, Qiu Xia was still in the Crazy House. Only Shirong often visited, so he was in love with Qiu Xia. One day of the rainy night, the strong stimulus of Thunderbolt aroused Qiu Xia's memory of the past. Shi Rong not only took Qiu Xia to the lunatic home, but also promised to take care of Qiu Xia. The two became friends. After returning to the Jiang's house, Qiu Xia found that the personnel were all right. After the owner of the debt owed to the debt, he had taken the show to go away with a show. After the stroke, the Chuan Xiao who was not taken care of was also sent to the maintenance center. There is no news. With the comfort and help of Shirong, Qiu Xia, who was originally sad, cleaned up and began a long journey of finding the disappeared children. At this time, Xiaoyun came out of the stiffness, was renamed Xianglan by the brothel owner and was forced to start receiving the guests. Lan (Xiaoyun) fled, and she missed her mother, Xiang Lan (Xiaoyun), decided to inquire about the whereabouts of her mother and siblings while working with Ge Ming. The second daughter, Xiao Hui, was adopted and renamed Li Yujuan by a family of Li. Because she was convinced that her mother was indeed not virtuous, Li Yuck (Xiao Hui) actually insisted on wiking the past life. The third son Yaoguang was adopted and renamed Gao Tianci by a wealthy merchant. The excessive love of the wealthy businessman made Godci (Yaoguang) stubborn and rebellious. In addition, he met some bad elements and let him go astray. Essence The fourth son Yaozu has lived a poor life with his pick -ups for many years, but the younger Adin (Yao Zu) is very well -behaved. However, her mother -in -law has been ill for a long time. To entrust Jin Shui in the distant relatives, the golden water that lives with arts takes Audin (Yao Zu) to ask for life. On one day, the Jinshui of Jinshui and Qiuxia had a dispute with Adin's Jinshui. At the high fever, Qiu Xia saw that it was similar to the young son Yaozu's ancestor, so he took care of it carefully. Dear mother and son, but Qiu Xia did not know that Abing in front of him was the young son who thought about it day and night! Jin Shui also moved Qiu Xia to look for the affection of his children, so he promised to help. And the heavenly gift of the day is the heavenly gift, Li Yuck, who is being bullied by the bad teenager, and the two have become good friends since then, but heavenly I do n’t know that Li Yujuan is his second sister Xiaohui! Jin Shui and Shirong who did not know each other became friends, but at the same time fell in love with Qiu Xia. Shi Rong's father and Tianci adoptive father used to be a business partner, so Qiu Xia had to meet Tianci, and discovered that heaven is the three sons Yaoguang from the token of Tianci! At the beginning, Tianci misunderstood the mother to remarry, and the adoptive parents who saw Tianci were refused to return Tianci to Qiu Xia, but in the end Qiu Xia's love was affectionately moved everyone. Tianci first recognized Qiu Xia. Li Yujuan, who became a friend with Tianci, also knew that Qiu Xia was the biological mother, and Qiu Xia also knew that Li Yuck was the second daughter Xiaohui, but rebellious and lovedRong's Xiaohui insisted on unwilling to recognize each other. At this time, Xianglan was caught back to the brothel, and at the same time Qiu Xia also found that Xianglan was the eldest daughter Xiaoyun! At first Qiu Xia couldn't accept her daughter, but she was fell into the wind. Fortunately, Ge Ming's help, the mother and daughter finally recognized each other. Qiu Xia, Shirong, and Jin Shui wanted to redeem money for Xianglan, but heard that Xianglan had been sold to a wealthy businessman, and this person was actually a rigidity of Qiu Xia and his children and amnesia! Cheng Gang, who succeeded in business, wanted to Na Xianglan as a second room, but did not know that Xianglan was the eldest daughter of Qiu Xia Xiaoyun. This move also caused Fang Meilian's jealousy and murder to find three children Qiu Xia, who was worried about the whereabouts of the fourth son, but did not know the renames. Abing's ancestor was already around. At this time, Chuanxian, who had been missing for many years, actually returned to China with his wife. Because he had not had birth for many years, this trip was intended to take away with Qiu Xia's children. Qiu Xia, who had just experienced the pain of his husband Can children resolve crises under her love and perseverance? Facing the pursuit of Jin Shui and Shirong, where will Qiu Xia return? When can Qiuxia find that Abing is her son Yaozu? The sufferings of the times have triggered this Lun Ling! Introduction to Tianlun robbery: Lin Qiuxia: Female, 30 to 38 years old. Hard work, gentle and wise, simple and dignified, standard Chinese traditional women. Her husband Chuanxian was forced to work in Nanyang to serve the service and was framed by the Japanese army. After being lost by a series of blows and stimuli, he was sent to the nursing home for many years. Although it has resumed memory many years later, it has been completely personnel. Several children have long been unknown. Fortunately, Fujian Youth Wang Shirong's encouragement and help will recover the hope of life and look for their lost children! Golden Water: Male, 26th to 34 years old. Personality, humor, helpful, for a patriotic youth, and to live on the street for a living. Jin Shui adopted Qiu Xia's sister -in -law Abing (Yao Zu) in an accidental opportunity, so he met Qiu Xia and loved Wang Shirong at the same time! Wang Shirong: Male, 30 to 38 years old. Fortunately, perseverance, perseverance, a sense of righteousness, and down -to -earth. Due to Japan's invasion of China, Shirong from Fujian to Shanghai to participate in the Anti -Japanese Japan. Meng Qiuxia was rescued. In an accidental opportunity, Lin Qiuxia also rescued Lin Qiuxia. In order to help Lin Qiuxia find the disgraceful children, Qiu Xia asked Qiu Xia everywhere The whereabouts of children! Jiang Xiaoyun (Xianglan): Female, 12 to 20 years old. For Qiu Xia's eldest daughter, she is quiet and well -behaved, and she is quite understandable. Due to the change of the family, he was sold into the church (brothel). Fortunately, the help of the nephew of the boss Ge Ming in the lunar hall escaped from the brothel and looked for his mother and his younger sisters! But he was caught and resold. Jiang Xiaohui (Li Yujuan): Female, 10 to 18 years old. For Qiu Xia's second daughter, she has a proud personality and admires vanity. After the family was changed, it was adopted by the owner of the Mijian. Because he was convinced that his mother was framed, there was something really. Jiang Yaoguang (Gao Tianci): Male, nine to 17 years old. For Qiu Xia's eldest son, he is stubborn and proud. Adopted by the wealthy people, coupled with the doting of adoptive parents, causing a radical and rebellious personality to take it upSurprisingly, I hurt Qiu Xia's heart more times, and because of Qiu Xia's care of Abing, I was jealous and harmed Adin! Jiang Yaozu (Abing): Male, year -year to seven years old. For Qiu Xia's sister -in -law, she is well -known, but her fate is bumpy. After the change, he was taken away by the deserted mother -in -law. For example, if he met with his own mother, he always lost his arms and could not recognize each other! Ge Ming: Male, 14 to 22 years old. Because of growing in the church (brothel), the personality is great, the world is cynical, and the sense of justice is quite righteous. And because of the admiration of Jiang Xiaoyun, she maintained Xiaoyun everywhere, and fled the brothel with Xiaoyun to help her find her loved ones! Jiang Chuanzong: Male, about forty -two to fifty years old. Cowardly, feared wife. For Brother Qiu Xiafu, because of good bets, the debt platform is high, and the evening scene is desolate! Jiang Chuanxian: Male, about thirty -five to 43 years old, was taken by the Japanese army to serve in Nanyang. Japan was defeated and surrendered. , Age is about thirty to thirty -nine years old. As the third brother of Qiu Xia's husband, he is in a strong sense of righteousness and character, and he is not in line with his wife Fang Meilian. He later learned that Fang Meilian stole a man. Wu Xiuzhi: Female, about thirty -five to 43 years old. For Jiang Chuanzong's wife, there is no opinion, the ears are soft, and they are also around. I love gambling with my husband. Fang Meilian: Female, about twenty -five to 33 years old. The wife of filial piety for Jiang, ruthless, spicy, water -based poplar! Before the unmarried, there was a lover Cheng Gang, and he still had a private relationship with Cheng Gang after marriage. He used his exhaustive methods to occupy Jiang's family production, and harmed Qiu Xia and his four children from here! Li Yong: Male, about 38 years old. Diligent and frugal, the adoptive father of Jiang Xiaohui, the second daughter of Qiu Xia! Tang Yan: Female, about 35 years old. Traditional women, more nagging, for Li Yong's wife! Gao Guodong: Male, about forty -five years old. The wealthy businessman, a sea school, is not restricted, is the adoptive father of the three sons of Qiu Xia Jiang Yaoguang! Gao Wife: Female, about forty -one years old. Yongrong and Xianhuo, the wife of Gao Guodong! Because there is no son -in -law, the love of Tianci (Yaoguang) makes heaven a rebellion! Cheng Gang: Male, about 28 to 36 years old. He was a lightest Han Dynasty. He had an ambiguous with his wife of the third child of the Jiang family. Fengzhu: Female, 30 to 38 years old, spicy and brutal, buying Xiaoyun from the population of a person in Shanghai (brothel) in Shanghai, seeing her Peugeot, unexpectedly Xiaoyun's nephew Ge Ming take away! Feng Zhu finally caught Xiaoyun, let alone let Qiuxia recognize each other, and pushed Xiaoyun into the fire pit! Zhang Lijun: Jiang Chuanxian in Singapore
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