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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《故梦》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《故梦》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


《故梦》从男主人公陆天恩出生的1904年写到1996年,时间上跨越了近百年,透过男主角个人及他的家族故事既微观人心中的幽深细微处,也宏观中国近百年来的历史变迁,基于深厚的文化内涵,展现人与历史间密不可分的关系,从而寻绎重建家族历史的新希望与新力量;己逝去的岁月,固然存在着玉垒浮云变古今的感慨,和旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入平常百姓家的苍凉,但是未来的希望却是火浴后的凤凰,自劫灰中重生,昂扬的在天地中留下永恒的篇章。这一部历史与文学高度融合的作品,相信将会带给海峡两岸的中国人深深的共鸣与感动。  1904年,他生于北京一个显赫的皇亲国戚之家;祖母陆老太太是亲王格格,已逝的祖父是慈安太后的侄儿,外公是蒙古亲王;这显赫的家世使他一出生就背负着异于常人的命运;更由于他是几代单传的独子,是家里的宝贝,便受到过度的爱护和限制,使他成为锦衣玉食的笼中鸟,无法,也不敢振翅高飞。  八岁那年,时局大变,民国肇建,清帝退位,陆府连带着大受影响;显赫化为乌有,皇亲国戚的身份消失,原本在朝为官的父亲陆正波赋了闲,在家研究字画古玩打发时日,陆老太太则沉湎在昔日的繁华梦中,依然定期进宫向逊帝溥仪及太妃们请安,并且以此为生活的重心;母亲陆夫人以严厉的态度治理家务,个性和行事风格都宛如老太太的翻版。  稚龄的陆天恩在不知不觉中成为新、旧时代交替期的畸零人时代发生巨变,生活的环境整个错乱了,原先规划好的一切都已不适用,人生失去了方向,无所适从,因此,他的心情飘忽、空虚,没有理想,没有奋斗的意愿。  1921年,他尊祖母之命娶表妹灵芝为妻,两人没有感情;他在外结识了唱京韵大鼓的水飘萍,则谱出了恋曲;但,水飘萍患有肺病,渐至不治,时值灵芝分娩,难产,两人同日死亡。  水飘萍之死使陆天恩伤心不已,灵芝之死则使陆府蒙上重大的阴影,老太太的健康更是大受打击。  其时,溥仪大婚,婚后想有所作为,非凡挑选了郑孝胥、罗振玉、王国维等人封了官职,与既有的帝师陈宝琛等人共事;陆天恩的外公和舅舅因为热中复辟,也觉得机会来了,于是大力活动;端康太妃则示意溥仪,给陆天恩入宫当差的机会;这事,老太太当然兴奋,陆夫人更因为家道正日渐中衰,希望儿子得个官职,以振兴家业;不料,经历过晚清官场的陆正波果断反对这事,母子、夫妻之间发生了一场严重的冲突,最后还是依照陆正波的意见,婉拒了太妃的好意。  陆府继续过着坐吃山空的日子,陆天恩也继续过着无所事事、游手好闲的日子,心情苦闷,无可排遣;一天,他小时的奶妈秦朱氏带着女儿秦燕笙来访,才带给他峰回路转的变化。  出身寒微而力求上进的秦燕笙从小在困苦的环境中努力读书,女子师范学校毕业后,在小学教书,她满怀理想,正预备到北京来继续求学,然后到欧洲去留学;陆天恩第一次熟悉到和自己周遭的人完全不一样的女孩,对她的知性美于惊异中起了爱慕之心,疯狂的追求起她来;而受新文化、新思潮洗礼的秦燕笙虽然并不喜欢他的的生活方式,却被陆府的历史感和文化气息所吸引,两人渐渐陷入热恋。  而身外的世界情况非常坏民国的政局混乱不堪,军阀猖狂,拥有重兵的冯玉祥忽然将攻击的目标对准了溥仪,强力逼宫,使溥仪离开紫禁城;溥仪狼狈离宫,无有安身立命的所在,暂时在父亲载丰的府第居住听到这个消息的陆老太太忧急攻心,病得更严重了。  无意中透露这个消息的秦燕笙因而自责不已,索性自己提出结婚,为老太太冲喜。但,两人的家世、人生观、文化层次、生活习惯和对未来的憧憬都完全不同,相处起来非常痛苦,婚后一年,秦燕笙在极度忍耐中度过;她未有生育,而陆老太太终告不治,丧礼过后百日,秦燕笙非常果断的提出离婚的要求;她离开陆家,预备继续求学。  一九三二年,溥仪赴东北成立满洲国,不少前清亲贵闻风而起,赴东北追随溥仪;陆天恩的外公和舅舅们更是从蒙古率众响应;但陆正波却决定继续过隐居的生活,并因心中对时代的感慨非常深刻,而产生了一个心愿,想专心撰写一部中国现代史的著作,而不卷入政治的漩涡,为免被协迫或暗杀,索性举家南迁。  来到上海定居,陆天恩自觉年纪已经不小了,考虑谋职;但,他的个人特质与新时代、新社会格格不入,很难有适合他的事可做;他只得继续过着无所事事的生活。  一天,他闲逛、看戏,新来的绍兴戏班正演出小韵仙担纲的,已通上海话的他立即为之着迷。  小韵仙目不识丁,但温婉可人;两人有了感情,他动了三度娶妻的念头。  但,他随即又熟悉了汪莲君,感情产生了波动,而变得复杂起来。  汪莲君是名医汪华之妹,正协助汪华为陆夫人医治因积累了多年的压力而导致的精神病;汪莲君相貌端秀高雅,心思细密,又通医理,很善于照顾病人,幼年丧母的她甚且对陆夫人产生了孺慕似的感情,当作了自己的母亲,因而非常尽心尽力,陆夫人的病也就大有起色,陆府全部的人都喜欢汪莲君,认为她是最好的少奶奶人选;陆天恩也爱上了她,怎奈又不舍小韵仙,最后采用两全其美的办法,娶汪莲君为妻,纳小韵仙为妾。  汪莲君事先不知情,婚后才知道小韵仙的存在,第一个念头是离婚,但是在现实生活中实现起来有困难,只好勉强忍耐着;不久,她又发现,婚前她相识并结为好友的名女作家秦砚竟是陆天恩的前妻秦燕笙。  秦燕笙在外国完成学业后返回中国,在上海任教,并从事写作,出版了不少受到好评的作品,事业有成,但仍单身;偶然中熟悉了汪莲君,又与陆天恩重逢,竟有如命运的捉弄。  陆天恩对秦燕笙依然布满了感情,而这使原本已经很难相处周全的三人婚姻成了四角习题,更复杂、更难理清。  一九三七年,日本侵华;同年,上海沦陷;秦燕笙因呼吁全民抗日而被暗杀,重伤,汪莲君竭力救治,痊愈后秦燕笙逃离上海,从此与陆、汪二人失去联络。  不幸的事接踵而来,日本方面得知了陆正波与清室的关系,要他出来任伪官,陆正波不肯,受逼不过,跳楼自杀;小韵仙目睹惨状,旋即流产,陆夫人精神崩溃,陆天恩害怕得不知所措,全家依靠汪莲君支撑。不久,陆夫人离开人世,陆府更加冷清、寥落。  抗战胜利,日本投降,满洲国随之瓦解,而时代又发生巨变;陆府再次面对历史变迁的难题。  一九四九年,害怕再遭逢战争的陆天恩决定迁居台湾,本以为只是暂时避战,没想到一去几十年。  刚到台湾时,他因携带的细软用完,必须谋职养家,于是到轮船上工作,这使他的人生有了重大改变;他从工作中产生了充实感和责任感,也开始对自己产生信心,个性开始转变,逐渐坚强起来。  但是,他的家庭又发生新的变故:小韵仙碰到了昔日在上海一起唱戏的女伶,他乡逢故知,心情非常非凡,于是重新恢复演出,天天外出唱戏;而外出唱戏、深夜返回的生活方式严重影响了正常的家庭生活,小韵仙唱戏的朋友们往来家中,更是格格不入;小韵仙只有迁出,租房另居。  陆天恩返家时,误以为是汪莲君逼走了小韵仙,情急之下出言不逊,汪莲君生气之下,重提离婚;陆天恩既发现自己错怪了汪莲君,又被汪莲君的完美主义和企图离开他的压力与阴影激得情绪失控,而激出了他从未显现过的叛逆性来,索性强迫汪莲君的陪嫁丫头小喜与他同房,而致小喜有孕。  小喜不甘接受这恶劣的命运,心情悲愤,幸好路经佛寺,听了高僧说法,才平静下来,却选择在生下女儿后剃度出家,脱离红尘的是非爱憎。  汪莲君却无法脱离红尘,她必须抚养这个无辜的孩子,也因为亲自抚养而对孩子生出了感情;陆天恩则因为心怀愧疚,面对这个孩子,内心的感受非常复杂;但是在为她取名的时候,他想到了自己的父亲,想到了孩子是血脉的传承,于是取名海棠,以纪念陆正波陆正波生前曾说,梦见了故宫的绛雪轩前,海棠花盛开,海棠的意象代表了陆正波内心深处的理想和坚持。  陆海棠在汪莲君精心的抚养下逐日成长,陆天恩的心性也在逐日的成长,因为有了工作,他有了成就感,也有了人生的方向;因为有了女儿,他有了希望和寄托,一切都变得有意义,他也不再是个懦弱、凡事退缩的人。  汪莲君的姐夫陈少白因思念家人而自日本弃职潜返上海,他很勇敢的承担了责任,为陈少白做说明;小韵仙和她所收养的儿子先后去逝,他忍下了痛苦;汪莲君自中年以后罹患糖尿病,健康日益变坏,他全力照顾,直到她去逝;而他自愧以往没做个好儿子,好丈夫,惟有力求做个好父亲来补过,因此,在海棠的教育上,他费心的研究、学习,以便给予海棠一个理想的成长环境和完善的教育方式。  多年后,一个潜藏内心深处的梦境成真了:海峡两岸的关系改善了,台湾当局政策改变、开放了,准许台湾居民赴大陆探亲;只奈,他年事已高,有病在身,行动不变包括返乡的愿望,都只能寄托在陆海棠身上。  成年后的陆海棠是一位历史小说家,与生俱有的使命感使她努力写作,期许自己完成祖父未完成的著作,同时,她逐步完成父母返回故乡的心愿。  一九九六年,陆海棠飞越海峡,返回北京,排除万难,寻访父母的故居和尚在人世的秦燕笙。  二00四年,她开始撰写这部积累了三代人的心愿的著作




\"So Dream\" was written in 1996 from the birth of the male protagonist Lu Tianen to 1996, and the time spans nearly a century. Historical changes, based on the deep cultural connotation, show the inseparable relationship between people and history, thereby seeking new hope and new forces to rebuild the family history; Wang Xiangtang's front swallow, flying into the desolation of ordinary people's homes, but the hope of the future is the phoenix behind the fire, reborn from the ash, leaving a eternal chapter in the heavens and the earth. This highly integrated work of history and literature is believed to bring deeply resonance and touch to the Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. In 1904, he was born in a prominent family of imperial relatives in Beijing; the old lady of the grandmother Lu was the prince Gege, the death grandfather was the nephew of the Empress Dowager Ci'an, and the grandfather was the Prince of Mongolia. With the fate different from ordinary people; because he is the only child who has been passed down from generation to generation, he is a baby at home, and he is over -loved and restricted, making him a cage in the cage of Jinyi and jade. At the age of eight, the current situation changed greatly. The Republic of China was built, the Qing emperor abdicated, and the Lufu was affected. On the day when studying and painting at home, Mrs. Lu was Shen Yan in the bustling dreams in the past. She still entered the palace regularly to the Emperor Emperor Puyi and the concubine, and used this as the focus of life. Housework, personality and style of personality are like a replica of the old lady. Lu Tianen's Lu Tianen became a new and old era alternately changing in the era of teratotes. The mood is rising, empty, no ideals, no willingness to struggle. In 1921, he respected his grandmother's life to marry his cousin Ganoderma lucidum as his wife, and the two had no feelings; he met Shui Piaoping, who sang Jingyun Drum, and spent a love song; At the time of ganoderma, Ganoderma lucidum was difficult to give birth. The two died on the same day. The death of Shui Piaoping made Lu Tianen sad, and the death of Ganoderma lucidum made Lufu with a major shadow, and the health of the old lady was greatly hit. At that time, Pu Yi was married and wanted to make a difference after marriage. He selected Zheng Xiaoyu, Luo Zhenyu, Wang Guowei and others to seal the official positions, and worked with the existing emperor Chen Baochen and others. I also felt that the opportunity came, so I moved vigorously; the concubine of Duan Kai motioned to Pu Yi to give Lu Tianen the opportunity to enter the palace; the old lady was of course excited, and Mrs. Lu was increasingly declining because of her family. She hoped that her son would have an official position. In the industry, Lu Zhengbo, who had experienced the officialdom of the late Qing Dynasty, decisively opposed the incident, a serious conflict between mother and child, husband and wife, and finally declined the good intentions of the concubine according to Lu Zhengbo's opinions. Lu Fu continued to live a day of sitting and eating mountains, and Lu Tianen continued to liveOn the day of what happened, he was in a mood and was unsatisfactory; one day, his child's mother Qin Zhu's visit to his daughter Qin Yansheng, which brought him a change of peaks. Qin Yansheng, who was cold and strived to go up, worked hard to study in a difficult environment since he was a child. After graduating from a women's normal school, she taught in elementary school. She was full of ideals and was preparing to go to Beijing to continue studying. The girl who is completely different from the people around her, has an admiration for her intellectual beauty, and pursues her crazy; and Qin Yansheng, who is baptized by the new culture and the baptism The method was attracted by Lu's historical sense and cultural atmosphere, and the two gradually fell in love. The world situation outside the body is very bad in political situation. The warlords are mad. Feng Yuxiang, who has heavy soldiers, suddenly aimed the target of the attack on Pu Yi, forced the palace to leave Puyi leave the Forbidden City; The old lady Lu, who heard the news in the residence of his father Zaifeng's house, was anxious and more seriously ill. Qin Yansheng, who inadvertently revealed the news, blamed himself, and simply proposed to get married, rushing to the old lady. However, the two of them, the outlook on life, the cultural level, the living habits, and the vision of the future are completely different, and they are very painful to get along. One year after marriage, Qin Yansheng spent the extreme patience; she did not have children, and Lu Lao The wife eventually died. Hundreds of days after the funeral, Qin Yansheng made a very decisive request for divorce; she left the Lu family and prepared to continue studying. In 1932, Pu Yi went to the northeast to establish Manchuria. Many former Qing relatives and expensive hearing the wind and went to the northeast to follow Pu Yi; Lu Tianen's grandfather and uncle responded from Mongolia; but Lu Zhengbo decided to continue his seclusion Life, because of his deep emotions in his heart, has a wish. He wants to concentrate on writing a book of modern Chinese history without being involved in the vortex of politics. move. When he came to Shanghai to settle, Lu Tianen was aware of his age and considers his duties. However, his personal characteristics are incompatible with the new era and new society, and it is difficult to have things suitable for him; he has to continue to live a life of nothing. One day, he wandered and watched the drama. The new Shaoxing opera class was performing a small rhyme, and he was immediately fascinated by the Shanghai dialect. Xiaoyun Xianxian was unaware, but gentle and pleasant; the two had feelings, and he thought of marrying a wife three times. However, he then became familiar with Wang Lianjun, and his feelings fluctuated and became complicated. Wang Lianjun is the sister of Wang Hua, a famous doctor, and is assisting Wang Huawei Mrs. Lu for his mental illness caused by accumulating pressure for many years. Mrs. Lu had an admirable feelings and used her own mother, so she was very dedicated. Mrs. Lu's illness was very improved. All people in Lufu liked Wang Lianjun and thought she was the best young grandma candidate; Lu Tianen also fell in love with her, how could she not give up Xiaoyunxian, and finally adopted the best ways to marry.Wang Lianjun is his wife, Na Xiaoyunxian is a concubine. Wang Lianjun didn't know it in advance, and after marriage, he knew the existence of Xiaoyunxian. The first thought was divorce, but it was difficult to achieve in real life, so he had to bear it. Soon, she found that she met and settled as a friend before the marriage. Qin Yan, a famous female writer, is actually Lu Tianen's ex -wife Qin Yansheng. Qin Yansheng returned to China after completing his studies in foreign countries, taught in Shanghai, and worked for writing. He published a lot of praise works, successful career, but still single; accidentally familiar with Wang Lianjun, and reunited with Lu Tianen, but he was like fate teasing like fate. Essence Lu Tianen was still full of feelings for Qin Yansheng, which made the three -person marriage that was already difficult to get along with the four -corner exercises, which was more complicated and more difficult to clarify. In 1937, Japan invaded China; in the same year, Shanghai fell; Qin Yansheng was assassinated and seriously injured because he called for the whole people to fight against Japan. Wang Lianjun tried his best to treat him. Unfortunately, the Japanese side learned the relationship between Lu Zhengbo and the Qing Dynasty. He asked him to come out as a pseudo -officer. Lu Tianen was afraid of being at a loss, and the whole family relied on Wang Lianjun to support it. Soon, Mrs. Lu left the world, and Lu Fu was even more deserted and rare. The victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Japan surrendered, the Manchuria country disintegrated, and the times had changed dramatically; Lu Fu faced the problem of historical changes again. In 1949, he was afraid that Lu Tianen, who was afraid of the war, decided to move to Taiwan. He thought it was just a temporary avoiding war. He did not expect to go for decades. When he first arrived in Taiwan, he had to make up his duty due to the soft use of the carried, so he went to work on the ship, which changed his life to a major change. , Personality began to change and gradually became strong. However, his family had a new change: Xiaoyunxian encountered a female actress who was singing together in Shanghai in the past. When he knew it in his hometown, he was very extraordinary, so he resumed the performance and went out to sing every day. It seriously affected the normal family life. Friends of Xiao Yunxian's opera came to the home, and they were incompatible; Xiaoyunxian only moved out and rent another house. When Lu Tianen returned home, he mistakenly thought that Wang Lianjun forced Xiaoyunxian. In a hurry, Wang Lianjun was angry and repeated divorce; Lu Tianen not only found that he had strangled Wang Lianjun, but also was stressed by Wang Lianjun's perfectionism and attempt to leave his pressure. The shadow was emotionally out of control, and the rebellion that he had never appeared has been forcing Wang Lianjun to have the same room with him, and Xiaoxi was pregnant. Xiaoxi was unwilling to accept this harsh destiny, and was sad and angry. Fortunately, Lu passed through the Buddhist temple, and after listening to the monk's statement, he calmed down, but chose to shave his monk after giving birth to a daughter, and the right and wrong from the red dust. Wang Lianjun couldn't get out of Hongchen. She had to raise this innocent child and had feelings for her child because of her own support. Lu Tianen was guilty and faced with this child.At that time, he thought of his father and the child's inheritance of the blood, so he named Begonia to commemorate Lu Zhengbo and Lu Zhengbo during his lifetime that he dreamed of the Xue Xuexuan of the Forbidden City, the Begonia flowers bloomed, and the image of Begonia represented Lu Zhengbo. The ideal and persistence deep inside. Lu Haitang grew up day by day under Wang Lianjun's carefully raising, and Lu Tiane's mind was also growing day by day. Because of his work, he had a sense of accomplishment and the direction of life; because of his daughter, he had hope and sustenance, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything. All became meaningful, and he was no longer a cowardly and shrinking person. Wang Lianjun's brother -in -law Chen Shaobai returned to Shanghai because he missed his family and abandoned his duties from Japan. He bravely took responsibility and explained Chen Shaobai; Xiaoyunxian and her adopted son died, and he endured pain. After middle age, he suffered from diabetes, and his health became increasingly worse. He took care of it until she died; and he was ashamed of not being a good son, a good husband, but only to be a good father to make up. Therefore, in the education of Begonia He worked hard to study and learn in order to give Begonia an ideal growth environment and perfect education method. Many years later, a dream deeply in the heart of the heart came true: the relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has improved, and the policy of Taiwan authorities has changed and opens. The residents of Taiwanese residents are allowed to visit relatives in the mainland. The unchanged operations include the desire to return home, and they can only be pinned on Lu Haitang. After an adult, Lu Begonia was a historical novelist. She had an inherent sense of mission to make her work hard and hoped that she had completed her grandfather's unfinished works. At the same time, she gradually fulfilled her parents' wish to return to her hometown. In 1996, Lu Begonia flew over the strait, returned to Beijing, eliminated the difficulties of his parents' residences in Qin Yansheng. In 2004, she began to write this work that accumulated three generations of people








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上一篇:后宫:帝王之妾/The Concubine (2012)/后宫:色欲天下/满宫春/The.Concubine.2012.BluRay.1080p.AC3.2Audio.x264-CHD.chs-影视字幕/外挂字幕/srt字幕文件下载

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